We're A Family Now

"Aunt Qiao, right?" Yu Daiyu looked at her and wasn't afraid of her at all. "Your son hit me in the face with a basketball. I just want him to apologize. Auntie, if you can't educate your son very well, as his new sister, I've to help you educate him, don't I? Of course, if he does something wrong, he must apologize. I've already given him enough face by not throwing the basketball back in his face!"

Really funny. She had just come home, and this woman had already put up her big madam's air and warned her. Did Qiao Song really think that she was a fragile and weak girl who was easily bullied?

Qiao Song's expression changed immediately as if she didn't expect Yu Daiyu's tongue to be so sharp. She looked at her son. "Bolin, quickly apologize to your sister."

"Tch!" The little boy ignored her and walked inside the house with a disdainful look.

Qiao Song seemed to feel that her son had embarrassed her with his behavior, but she didn't know what to say. In an instant, she smiled and looked at Yu Daiyu. "Daiyu, your nose is red. Let me help you apply the medicine. Bolin is only 13 years old and is now in a rebellious phase. Sometimes he doesn't really want to listen to me. You have grown up and know that when two families merge into one, we have to learn to accept each other. Bolin isn't yet sensible, so that's why he still doesn't understand all this."

Her words were wisely spoken, telling Yu Daiyu that her son's actions were not taught by her. It was Yu Bolin who was being unreasonable and had thrown the basketball at her.

Yu Daiyu was a smart woman, not an idiot. She rubbed her nose and said with a smile that wasn't a smile. "Just forget it."

Then she went inside. Qiao Song quickly followed her and smiled. "I asked Nanny Jia to clean your room. It's still on the second floor and for the bedding on your bed. I'll get someone to buy a new one for you this Sunday ..."

Yu Daiyu paused. She looked at Qiao Song with a smile. "Thank you, Auntie Qiao, but I still know where my own room is. After all, this is my house, isn't it? I'm not here to be a guest. Even before this, I'll use the bedding that was already on the bed. If I want to change it, I'll change it myself."

After saying that, Yu Daiyu ignored Qiao Song and went inside.

Yu Haitao was reading a newspaper in the living room. It was unknown whether Yu Bolin had gone upstairs to his room or to the backyard. Yu Daiyu didn't care about him and continued to walk towards the sofa and sit down.

When Yu Haitao saw that she had returned, he put the newspaper down.

"Why is your nose so red?"

Yu Daiyu rolled her eyes at the ceiling. "Your son hit me."

"My son..." Yu Haitao was stunned for a moment before he turned around and saw Qiao Song coming inside from outside. When he saw her innocent face, he sighed.

"I called you this time because I want you to meet Aunt Qiao and Bolin and have dinner together with them. We'll be a family from now on, I hope you -"

"Dad, if you just want to talk about this, then I understand. Anyway, I don't always come back to this house, and it has absolutely nothing to do with me with whom you acknowledge as your son. I'm already an adult and I know how to be independent, so you don't have to worry too much about my feelings."

Although Yu Daiyu was a little bit upset, but she said these words from the bottom of her heart.

Yu Haitao frowned. "What I meant is did Bolin go to your place a few days ago to see you? Not only did you not give him anything to eat, but you also beat him and threw him out?"

The corners of Yu Daiyu's mouth twitched. "And you actually believe that?"

Yu Haitao shook his head. "It doesn't matter, we're a family now."

"That's right. Daiyu, we'll be a family..." Qiao Song came in with a smile. Her voice was softer and sweeter than earlier when she was alone with Yu Daiyu.

Yu Daiyu sneered in her heart. This mistress' attitude was really good and her son really knew how to lie. He obviously wanted to play games or do something bad, that's why he went to her and asked for money, but she didn't give it to him. In the end, he even took revenge and came back to make a false statement.

Yu Daiyu rubbed her nose and stood up. "I'm a bit tired, so I'm going back to my room and resting. Call me when dinner is ready."

As she was about to go upstairs, Qiao Song looked at her as if she had something to say. Yu Daiyu ignored her and continued to head upstairs.

She opened her bedroom door and was about to go in when she was startled by the mess in the bedroom. The bed was a mess, with the little boy's shoes and clothes on the floor. On her bed was a rebellious brat named Yu Bolin.

"Bolin, why did you sleep in your sister's room again? Go back to your room!" Qiao Song quickly ran over and stood in front of the bedroom. She scolded Yu Bolin.

Yu Bolin said with an innocent face. "This is our house, so I can sleep wherever I want. Besides, this bed is very comfortable. I like this room and I want to sleep in this bed."

Yu Haitao heard a noise from upstairs and hurriedly went upstairs. He looked at the situation in the bedroom and then looked at Yu Daiyu. "Daiyu ..."

"Do not say anything else, I understand." Yu Daiyu looked at Yu Haitao and said, "Dad, I understand."