What Did You Say To Her Just Now?

Yu Daiyu finished the champagne in one gulp. When she put the glass down, she felt completely ridiculous for feeling sympathy for Wei Zhengsheng. Perhaps it was because when she broke up with Yan Zixin back then, she felt that those people who deliberately showed their affection in front of the love victim were too much, so she instinctively wanted to help Wei Zhengsheng. However, her help and action turned out to be completely unnecessary.

Only a childish girl would think of doing such a thing in front of these business elites. Totally embarrassing.

Yu Daiyu didn't even look at Wei Zhengsheng when she walked out of the hall.

When she left, her back looked a little indifferent. Wei Zhengsheng's hand that was holding the wine glass raised slightly for a moment as if he wanted to stop her, but in the end, he didn't ask her to stay.


"I still remember attending the celebratory feast of J Company five years ago. At that time, the scale wasn't so big. Now this company has become very successful overnight."

Due to her pregnancy, Xian Guiying didn't mingle with the crowd. Instead, she stood in the corner, ate a snack, and then chatted and laughed with Qin Gengxin, who was always by her side.

At this moment, the figure of Yu Daiyu walking out caught her eyes. Xian Guiying looked up and looked at her for a moment. She wanted to greet her, but she didn't know what to say to this unknown girl, so she could only watch her leave without looking back.

Xian Guiying watched Yu Daiyu's back which was gradually disappearing and walked towards Wei Zhengsheng. Wei Zhengsheng had always been the quietest person in the crowd. But even if he stood there quietly, he was still able to attract the attention of others.

How many women admired such a great man, but Wei Zhengsheng had no interest in them at all.

Not like this stupid Qin Gengxin. Every day flirting with other people.

"Zhengsheng," Xian Guiying handed Wei Zhengsheng a glass of champagne. "Why are you standing here drinking alone?"

Wei Zhengsheng looked at her and smiled faintly. "I haven't been in good mental shape lately. It's better to drink alone."

"Why did she leave?" Xian Guiying looked in the direction where Yu Daiyu had disappeared. Her meaning was clear.

"She's not feeling well, so she came home early. Why? Is there a problem?" Wei Zhengsheng said frankly.

Xian Guiying looked at him speechlessly. "You're such a cold person. No wonder many women don't dare to pursue you in broad daylight. You can really freeze someone to death with a single word."

Wei Zhengsheng sighed and laughed. "Who wants to chase me? Are you talking about her?"

Xian Guiying glanced at him. "She's obviously helping you. She cares about you a lot, but you actually pissed her off. What did you say to her just now? Why did she leave just like that?"

Wei Zhengsheng paused for a moment and said nothing. He just looked at her. "Nothing."

Xian Guiying sighed. "You said that you would find a suitable woman to marry as soon as possible. But how many women dare to approach you with that kind of expression on your face? I think that girl is pretty good. Don't you want to try her out?"

Wei Zhengsheng sighed and shook his head. "She's still young."

"I don't think so. Although she looks very young, she has a mature personality."

"If she's mature, she won't leave this place in a bad temper."

"You ..." Xian Guiying looked at him speechlessly, "Zhengsheng, what do you think a woman is? I've seen you being polite to me in the past, and I always thought you were a very gentle and understanding man. I never thought you were a blockhead."

Wei Zhengsheng just smiled. "She is only 23 years old and has just graduated. Her personality and outlook on life are not suitable for me. Even if you want to see me become a family man, you don't have to push the candidate to my side as soon as you see one."

"Is that so?" Xian Guiying looked at the door for a moment. She subconsciously felt that Yu Daiyu was very pleasing to the eye. Although she was quite young, she did not seem to be troublesome. And if Wei Zhengsheng did not like her, how could he care about her image and even act intimately to help her when he was so sure that he did not like her?

Either Wei Zhengsheng didn't understand, or he understood it but he didn't want to accept it.

Xian Guiying looked at Wei Zhengsheng and saw that there was no ripple in his eyes. She sighed to herself and asked softly, "How are uncle and auntie?"

"Not bad."

"Mr. Yu!" Xian Guiying saw Yu Haitao walking towards them and greeted him with a smile.

"Yo, isn't this the legendary former President Xian? How many years have we not seen each other? You are still young and beautiful..." Yu Haitao said with a smile. He sincerely praised her.

"Mr. Yu, you are really good at talking. When I was dealing with you, I was only 25 years old and still a child. Now I am already 30 years old, how can I still be young?"

"You are too modest. Every leader of Xian Corporation is an elite, enough to make us small companies to look forward to seeing you all." Yu Haitao smiled and then looked at Wei Zhengsheng. "President Wei, where did Daiyu go?"

"She's not feeling well, so she left first." Wei Zhengsheng said lightly.

However, when Yu Haitao heard this answer, he frowned slightly. He looked at Wei Zhengsheng and then looked at Xian Guiying.

Xian Guiying noticed that her presence here seemed unwanted. She smiled and went to the other side to talk with Qin Gengxin and his other friends.

Yu Haitao looked at Wei Zhengsheng and sighed. "President Wei, our family has been friends for a long time, so I will be straightforward with you. Since President Wei invited my daughter to attend J Company's party, I think the relationship between you two -"

"Uncle Yu, Yu Daiyu and I have nothing to do with each other. Our personalities are too different. Besides, we rarely see each other at the company."

His words were very clear. He clearly told Yu Haitao that he had nothing to do with Yu Daiyu.

Yu Haitao paused for a moment. "President Wei saying that my daughter never enters your eyes at all?"

Wei Zhengsheng smiled politely. "Uncle Yu, you misunderstood. There are many couples in this world. But not every man and woman is compatible with each other. Besides, Yu Daiyu is still young. Why are you so anxious to get her married?"