She Is Fang Mingxia

"No, I'm just asking casually. I want to know some simple information so I don't have to keep asking about it with my colleagues. I don't want to bore them with my questions." Yu Daiyu smiled and scratched her ponytail. She felt a little guilty for lying.

Wei Zhengsheng just smiled and didn't poke her further or expose her.


Because Bei Xiaolia had been feeling unwell lately, Wei Zhengsheng hadn't been back to his apartment for the past few days. As long as he wasn't busy, he would return to the Wei Residence to accompany his parents.

After having dinner with Yu Daiyu, Wei Zhengsheng drove back to the Wei Residence. When he walked through the door, Bei Xiaolia rose from the sofa and came to greet him. "Zhengsheng, it's already nine o'clock, why are you only coming home now? I called Secretary Dai's phone, and she said you had already gone home and didn't have any social gatherings tonight either. So where did you go?"

"I guess you haven't had dinner yet, have you? Mom will heat up some food for you in a moment and I'll bring it upstairs." Bei Xiaolia took the suit jacket from Wei Zhengsheng's hand. Suddenly, she smelled a very faint food scent emanating from his body.

Bei Xiaolia immediately looked up at her son's calm expression. With the expression of a little girl who likes to gossip, she asked, "Son, whose family did you have dinner with? Or did some girl cook dinner for you? Don't lie to me. I have a sharp nose."

"A colleague." Wei Zhengsheng replied with a faint smile before walking in, "I've already eaten. Mom, how are you feeling today? Where's dad?"

"Don't change the subject with me." Bei Xiaolia protested. "What kind of co-worker is she? Male or female? It should be a woman, shouldn't it? How old is she? Will you find the time to introduce her to me?"

Wei Zhengsheng sighed at Bei Xiaolia's nagging and questioning. "Mom."

"What, it doesn't matter if she's your girlfriend or just a female colleague, it means your relationship can develop since you're spending the night with her. What, can't mom ask a few questions?" Bei Xiaolia raised her eyebrow and looked at him.

"When I called you this afternoon, what did you tell me on the phone? You said you'd bring a girl to meet me. What happened in the end?"

Wei Zhengsheng had forgotten about this. When he called Yu Daiyu in the afternoon, it was because of this matter. As a result...

He paused for a moment. "Next time."

"What next time? Zhengsheng, why do I think you're a bit unreliable in this matter? Does the girl you like not like you, so you're trying to delay this matter?" Bei Xiaolia laughed.

Wei Zhengsheng was already immune to his mother's provocations. He smiled and said, "Let's just say that your son isn't charming enough."

After saying that, he walked upstairs with a smile.

"If that's the case, when can mom meet her? Zhengsheng? Zhengsheng!" Bei Xiaolia chased after him.

Wei Zhengsheng stopped and sighed. If he didn't get married soon, this Wei Family might not have a peaceful day.

"Wait until I find the time. I'll bring her to see you later. I've been busy at the company lately."

At the very least, wait until the employees finished their vacation.


On the fourth day Yu Daiyu stayed at Wei Zhengsheng's apartment, she was sound asleep when she was awakened by the ringing of her cell phone. She sat up in a daze and picked up the phone to see that it was a call from Yan Zixin.

She didn't save Yan Zixin's phone number, but due to the fact that she was sensitive to this person's existence, she remembered his number.

Yu Daiyu frowned and tossed the phone aside. However, her phone kept ringing, so she turned it off. When she rolled over and went back to sleep, she was no longer sleepy.

Yu Daiyu hadn't seen Wei Zhengsheng in these two days at the company. Although this was normal, and after all, she was just an ordinary employee, so it was unrealistic for her to want to meet Wei Zhengsheng all the time.

However, since Wei Zhengsheng had dinner with her that night, she kept thinking about him before going to bed.

She couldn't really be in love with him, could she?

How could she fall in love with someone so quickly?

Although this era was an era of love that was as fast as fast food, but Wei Zhengsheng had treated her like a child. So, how could she like him?

Yu Daiyu immediately opened her eyes and stared at the white wall that was illuminated by the moonlight. She raised her hand and hit her pillow with her hand several times. Then she grabbed the pillow and covered her face with it as hard as she could to force her to sleep and not miss him.

The next day, all the employees of Xian Corporation started preparing for their vacation in Argentina. The manager of the Planning Department asked Yu Daiyu to accompany him to a small meeting. The meeting was about some rules regarding employees' vacation and so on.

When the two of them entered the elevator, they suddenly saw an unfamiliar woman inside the elevator. Yu Daiyu looked up at the number of the elevator. The floor the woman wanted to go to was the floor where the CEO's office was located.

Yu Daiyu didn't know how she noticed this. She hesitated for a moment before stepping inside.

The woman stepped back a little to give them space. Looking at the employee tag on Yu Daiyu's chest and then at the employee tag on the manager's chest, she smiled at the manager.

Yu Daiyu glanced at her and stood by the elevator door, waiting for the door to open. Why should she pay attention to this woman?

She didn't even know why she was hostile towards this woman, but her heart felt really dissatisfied. Before the elevator door opened, she looked at the number of the floor the woman was going to and got off without saying a word.

In the afternoon.

"Did you see that? That's Fang Mingxia, the second child of the Fang Family!"

"She's Fang Mingxia? Her personality is a little arrogant as if she doesn't care about others. When I saw a colleague accidentally bump into her while walking, the colleague repeatedly apologized to her, but this Fang Mingxia walked away without paying any attention to us! As if talking to us would cause her to lose her identity a lot."

"This is a second-generation rich person's personality. As long as you can get used to it, it would be fine."

"I just saw her sitting in President Wei's car. Are they going to lunch together?"

Yu Daiyu's fingers that were typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped. Her fingers froze for a few moments before she continued typing. Although her eyes were fixed on the computer's screen, but her mind was completely in a mess.

At the end of the day, her colleagues cheered as they left the office, saying, "It's time to leave work! The next two days are the weekend and on Monday, we will go to Argentina for vacation!"

"Look at you, I heard we're going to the beach. Have you prepared your swimsuit?"


Yu Daiyu was still arranging her things on the desk as she listened to this conversation.

"Yu Daiyu, why are you daydreaming so much today?" A colleague who still hadn't left walked up to her and asked, "Is this because of President Wei and Miss Fang? Actually, everyone knows that you and President Wei have nothing to do with each other. It's just a gossip joke. So don't worry about it. No one will gossip about you anymore."