What Did She Have To Do To Make Wei Zhengsheng Love Her The Way He Loved Xian Guiying?

"Have you been sleeping?" Wei Zhengsheng walked over to the bed and sat down beside her. He gently brushed a few hairs from her forehead.

Since Yu Daiyu had rolled around on the bed earlier, her hair had become messy and hung loosely over her shoulders. She didn't even notice the unkempt hair hanging in front of her forehead.

When she saw Wei Zhengsheng, the doubts and worries in her heart instantly disappeared. Perhaps it was only because Yan Zixin was unwilling to accept reality, so he said something inexplicable to frighten her. With Yan Zixin's family background, it wouldn't have much of an impact on Wei Zhengsheng. It should be fine.

"Your hair is so messy." Wei Zhengsheng smiled.

Yu Daiyu didn't even notice how sexy she looked with her messy hair as she leaned against the headboard. She raised her hand to brush her hair behind her ear, then asked languidly, "When will the wedding be over? Do we have to wait here until evening?"
