Have She Underestimated His Position In Her Heart, Or Have She Never Really Understood His Feelings For Her?

Yu Daiyu suddenly opened her eyes and heard the voice outside the door clearly. "President Wei, the CEO of Luxica Company has just contacted you. There are some changes regarding the contract that he would like to discuss with you."

It was Dai Meifen's voice. Only now did Yu Daiyu remember that they were still at Xian Corporation. The moment she thought of Dai Meifen standing outside the door, she immediately shyly avoided Wei Zhengsheng's kiss. Wei Zhengsheng did not let her go, and as if he didn't hear anything, he continued to give her a deep kiss.

Yu Daiyu raised her hand and gently pushed him away. "We are still in the company..."

"What difference does it make?" Wei Zhengsheng smiled at her and gently pecked her lips to calm her down. His fiery eyes were staring at her swollen, red, and alluring lips that he had kissed. His eyes darkened slightly and his voice was slightly hoarse.

What difference does it make?