It's Clearly Not Wrong, But Why Do I Have To Live My Life So Carefully

"Zhengsheng …" After a while, Yu Daiyu suddenly raised her trembling hand and gently placed it on Wei Zhengsheng's hand on the steering wheel. "If the truck was aimed at me… I… I don't want to implicate you …"

Wei Zhengsheng frowned. "Don't talk nonsense."

He watched the road ahead with a trace of hostility she had never seen before. "They are planning to play big!"

"Do you know who did it?" Yu Daiyu asked softly.

Wei Zhengsheng didn't answer. He just drove the car towards the apartment quickly.

"Will that truck come after us again?"

"Nope." Wei Zhengsheng said lightly, "We were lucky to escape earlier. Maybe something happened to the truck, so it couldn't rush at us right away. Otherwise, no matter how fast my hands controlled the car, we wouldn't be able to escape such danger at such a close distance. The truck looked so strange. Don't worry about it. There are surveillance cameras around. I'm sure the police nearby will send people to investigate the incident soon."