Someone As Carefree As My Yu Daiyu Could Have Such A Delicate Mind And Endure So Much

"Wei Zhengsheng, I have become so passive and patient because I love you, so I hide everything in my heart. You always took the initiative in this relationship to not let yourself be exposed to me, but your heart betrayed you in the end. For you, I am just a responsibility after all."

She had said so much, but Wei Zhengsheng still did not say a word. Yu Daiyu looked at him disappointedly. "After all this, you still don't have an explanation?"

"Will you listen to my explanation? Will you believe me and my explanation?" Wei Zhengsheng finally opened his mouth.

Yu Daiyu suddenly realized that it was not good to fall in love with a man who was too rational. At least he would not impulsively explain it to her. First, he would ask her if she would believe his explanation or listen to his explanation. He did not want to waste even one extra word.