It Is Not A Big Sin To Remarry

When Yu Daiyu saw the expression on Wei Zhengsheng's face, she knew he had already guessed it. She put down the wrapped dumpling and didn't reach for it again. She only glanced at the occasional steam coming from the kitchen.

Half an hour later, two plates of steaming hot dumplings were served on the dining table. Since Wei Zhengsheng was a guest, the old woman didn't let him help her. He followed her back and forth, taking chopsticks, bowls of soy sauce, garlic, and so on. When the three of them sat down at the table, the old woman smiled with satisfaction. "I didn't expect that I would be able to see my granddaughter and grandson-in-law while I am still alive. I'm so happy that we can have a reunion dinner together."

Yu Daiyu smiled and gave some dumplings to the old woman. Wei Zhengsheng also smiled. "If grandmother doesn't want us to leave, then you can follow us back to America. Don't worry about anything else, just leave it to me."