Why Did He Suddenly Think Of All Of This?

"Yijun, it's been so many years since we last saw each other. You've really made a name for yourself. When I first heard the name of the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Land, I still thought how coincidental it was, but before this, your surname was Jiang, and now your surname is Xian. I really didn't expect it to be really you. So you're old master Xian's grandson." He Xiaodan, the shareholder of the clubhouse, smiled as he poured wine for Xian Yijun. "Let's go to KTV afterward. I still remember the year we graduated, we went to KTV and sang 'Friends'. At that time, we were so young and emotional. Five years have passed in the blink of an eye."

Xian Yijun smiled faintly and clinked his glass with him. However, just as he was about to take a sip, his eyes suddenly flashed across the face of the disgusted man downstairs who had forcibly dragged Wei Zhijuan into the lounge.  When he was passing by, he saw one of the men secretly putting pills into the wine.