The Kind Of Woman That Can Make You Break Your Principles

"Deputy Director, the renovation of the villa has just been ordered and an emergency meeting will be held. All relevant personnel must be in the upstairs conference room within ten minutes."

Xian Yijun was looking at some files on land disputes in his office when he received a call from the secretary. He packed up the files and left his office. But as soon as he was outside, he saw Guo Bo walking toward him with a smile.

"Deputy Director, the Bureau Chief will be holding a meeting." Guo Bo had obviously just received the news and was about to inform him.

"I already know." Xian Yijun walked towards the elevator. Guo Bo followed him and said with a smile, "Did you not sleep well last night? You look terrible."

Xian Yijun frowned and rubbed the space between his eyebrows. "Yes, I didn't sleep well."