Please, Help Me!

Xian Yijun was baffled. When he saw Wei Zhengsheng, Wei Shanyuan, and the woman who looked like she was pregnant, it became even clearer to him that this Wei Zhijuan was a strange person. Despite her situation, she should find a good boyfriend, instead of ruining other people's family.

Especially Wei Zhengsheng, he had a serious expression on his face. Xian Yijun felt that Wei Zhengsheng looked familiar, but he had no impression of him.

Xian Yijun immediately frowned when he suddenly felt Wei Zhijuan clutching his shirt tightly. He pulled her out from behind him. "What are you doing?"

Wei Zhijuan had a pleading look on her face. She clasped her hands together and pleaded with him. "Director Xian, please forgive me. The first two times it was my fault, but this time, you have to help me! Please don't let them take me away."