Are You Stupid?

Xian Yijun frowned and gave Guo Wuying a cold look. He slowly opened his mouth. "I don't like these two kinds of women. One is the self-righteous woman who thinks she is above everyone else, who can trample on anything and everything just because she comes from a wealthy family. The other is ..."

He turned to Wei Zhijuan, who was still smiling despite her self-mockery. "A weirdo who has gone out into the world to cause trouble and annoy people to death just because they have a different opinion from her."

No sooner had he said that, Guo Wuying's face turned pale, and Wei Zhijuan glared at him. "Hey, do you know how to speak?"

Xian Yijun looked at her coldly and walked away. Wei Zhijuan stared at his back in disbelief. It seemed that after so many interactions, the most he had given her was this kind of coldness.