Guo Wuying’s Ill Intentions I

Guo Bo suddenly raised his hand and touched Wei Zhijuan's ear. She suddenly felt itchy and wanted to dodge, but he only corrected the earring she had touched. He raised his eyebrow. "Do you have someone in your heart right now?"

Wei Zhijuan was taken aback.

"If there is no one, I will start attacking." He leaned in close and smiled in her ear.

She rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "Step aside!"

After that, they both left the boutique laughing. When they got into the car, Wei Zhijuan casually asked, "Oh right, how is Guo Wuying after that day?"

Although Xian Yijun didn't reject her directly, everyone clearly saw his attitude towards her that night. In the end, she still lost face, so it mustn't be good.