The Little Girl From The Wei Family Is Interested In Our Little Boy

Seeing Jiang Ruolan looking at her, Wei Zhijuan turned her gaze back to her mother with a happy smile. "Mom, why don't we find a place to sit? Look at me and Sister Ruolan. We are both carrying a lot of bags. You two old people should take pity on us, little girl."

Zhan An immediately smiled. Bei Xiaolia looked at Wei Zhijuan with a smile too. "Spoiled girl, are you tired now?"

"There's a cafe over there." At the same time, Jiang Ruolan pointed to the corridor on the first floor of the mall.

"Alright, let's sit there."

Just as they were about to leave together, Jiang Ruolan's cell phone rang. She picked it up and followed them into the café. Then she hung up the phone and whispered to Zhan An, "Mom, Zihao just called to say that Yijun has arrived in America."