Is It Love?

"Oh my God, you've all misunderstood! Nothing is going on between us! Big brother, you know what I'm talking about, don't you?" Wei Zhijuan looked at Wei Zhengsheng for help. "You obviously know that nothing happened between him and me…"

At this moment, the ward door was pushed open. Xian Yijun came in with several sheets of Wei Zhijuan's examination results. When he saw them, he nodded politely. "Uncle and auntie."

"Yijun, what did the doctor say? How many days does Zhijuan have to stay in the hospital?" Bei Xiaolia asked in concern.

Wei Zhengsheng took the sheets and looked at them. Xian Yijun said, "The ligament around her waist is injured so badly that there is internal bleeding, and her spine is slightly dislocated. It has already been fixed, but the pain is so severe now that it'll probably take another two to three days for it to gradually subside. It'll be ten days to half a month before she's discharged."