Are You Even A Woman?

Xian Yijun raised his eyebrow and proceeded to take off his tie. He glanced at Wei Zhijuan and asked, "What kind of foreplay do you want?"

"Hey, you don't have to ask me that, do you?" Wei Zhijuan stared at him with her narrow face. "How did you promise my parents back in America? That affectionate boyfriend act disappeared as soon as you came back?"

Xian Yijun looked at her arms around his waist and said, "Didn't you also treat me like this in America?"

"I didn't think about that when I was there. The most important thing is that I don't know what kind of medicine you're trying to sell, but now that I've decided to stay with you, isn't it normal for us to kiss and hug?"

Wei Zhijuan continued to laugh as she smelled his scent. "You didn't even drink alcohol when you went out with Guo Bo earlier. You smell good. I also used your body soap, but it didn't work so well on me."