What Kind Of Compensation Do You Want?

After finishing her cup of milk tea, Wei Zhijuan paid and left the milk tea shop. As she walked out, a cold wind blew around her, and she quickly put down the two large bags on the ground and zipped up her coat. When she looked up, she saw a car pull up in front of her.

Xian Yijun got out of the car. Seeing him, she immediately grinned. "Why are you coming back so early today?"

"What is this?" Xian Yijun was on his way home from work when he saw Wei Zhijuan standing alone outside the shop.

"Since you have been working overtime for the past few days, you should be resting tomorrow. I want you to have a good rest at home, but I'm afraid you will be bored, so I bought something for you to eat and drink." Wei Zhijuan pointed at the supermarket behind them. "There are a lot of people in the supermarket today."