One Last Chance

"I'm tormenting you?" Xian Yijun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stood up and walked upstairs. Wei Zhijuan looked at his figure dazedly before she followed him upstairs.

When she entered her bedroom, Xian Yijun held her hand and told her to sit on the bed. Seeing her dazed appearance, he sighed. "Go to sleep."

Wei Zhijuan didn't really understand what was going on, but when she heard the gentleness in his voice, she obediently nodded her head. She was really sleepy and after drinking a lot of beer, she felt a headache, but it wasn't as bad as before.

"Your arm is wrapped in thin gauze. I'll take it off you in the morning. Don't touch your arm now, go to sleep." Xian Yijun really admired his good temper that could put up with Wei Zhijuan's behavior.