Temporary Happiness XI

Two minutes later, Guo Bo returned to the ward. Outside the room, he heard Wei Zhijuan coughing loudly. He quickly pushed open the door and walked in. He saw her bent over the bed, coughing to the point she almost vomited.

He calmed his expression and went to the bedside table to pour a glass of warm water. Then he went to the bed and slowly crouched down. He quietly handed her the glass.

Wei Zhijuan coughed twice before she raised her head uncomfortably and looked at him.

"Thank you." She took the glass and sipped it. Her throat hurt so much that even drinking water hurt. She drank a few sips at a time. From her lungs to her throat, she felt very uncomfortable.

Guo Bo supported her and helped her to lie down. Looking at her pale face, he said, "Wei Zhijuan."

Wei Zhijuan coughed softly as she turned to face him.