Why Don't You Marry Him?

Wei Zhijuan felt that she had regained a lot of energy after waking up from her sleep. Although her voice was still hoarse, she was no longer as weak as before. 

When Guo Bo saw her energetic appearance, he looked at Wei Shanyuan. "What did you give her? The effect was so strong."

Wei Shanyuan was not surprised by this question. He replied calmly, "Every medicine for treating pneumonia is basically the same. There is no difference. It's just that the medicine used for her was more effective and a little stronger. Thus, it made her sleep well."

Wei Zhijuan had recovered very well after getting enough sleep and rest. After Xian Yijun left last night, she pretended to sleep until 4 a.m. and suddenly told Guo Bo that she wanted to be transferred to another hospital. If it wasn't for Wei Shanyuan's strong medicine, she probably would not be able to sleep.