Xian Yijun’s Regret

Sometimes, breaking up really didn't need any earth-shattering event to happen. Even a small incident could be the trigger for a break-up. And for women, it was always about the depth of love.

Two years.

She really thought she would never see him again in this lifetime.

But fate proved her wrong.

This man stood before her with a smile. Gentlemanly and indifferently, inviting her to have a drink with him.

Wei Zhijuan looked at Xian Yijun silently for a moment, then she looked at the Brie Sweetheart wine on the crystal table. She said lightly, "Mr. Xian, not every love story has a happy ending. I don't like drinking this wine. I appreciate your kindness."

Just as she was about to leave, Xian Yijun immediately stopped her. He stared at her cold back and said, "Zhijuan, I'm sorry."