An Ex-Boyfriend

Two days later...

When the dorm advisor brought four packages of clothes to Wei Zhijuan's room, she put the packages on the floor and said breathlessly, "Student Wei, why are you suddenly buying so many things online? I've never received as many express deliveries as you. You rarely bought so much online before."

Just in two days, Wei Zhijuan had almost forgotten that she had bought clothes online.

She just smiled at the RA and thanked her before bringing the packages inside.

Zoe Marshall, who was putting on her make-up, put down her make-up brush and opened the packages without even asking. Each of them contained dresses in four different colors. Each of the dresses was very feminine and suited Wei Zhijuan very well.

Zoe Marshall looked at her in astonishment. "Zhijuan, what's wrong with you? Why are you buying so many dresses all of a sudden?"