I Don't Need You To Explain

Xian Yijun was lost in his thoughts as he looked at the shards, but when he saw Wei Zhijuan turn around and bend down to pick up the shards, his brow immediately furrowed. He walked over. "The mirror is all broken, you don't need to pick up the shards."

Wei Zhijuan ignored him. She cursed herself in her heart as she picked up the glass shards on the floor. Because her hands were too fast, she didn't realize that a sharp shard had pierced her fingers. She bit her lip, trying to hide the cut on her fingers, but Xian Yijun quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.

Wei Zhijuan averted her eyes and tried to pull her hand away, but her fingers were pierced deep by the glass shard and soon, a lot of blood flowed from her fingers and down to her palm.