
We were both silent with what just happened. Jason broke this silence by opening his mouth again, which should have been closed.

"Well, that was weird." Jason said looking back at me.I turn and face him, he had a faint smile on his face."Are you mental? Why did you do that?"I said raising my voice a little.

"Oh no, did I hurt your feelings? I was only protecting you. Plus you looked like you were about to cry." Jason said dramatically.

"Your an idiot."

"I only get it from the best."

I rolled my eyes at him.I got up from the table to head outside. I just wanted my free period. Jason followed me.

"What are you doing? Don't you have math right now?"

"It doesn't hurt to skip a few classes."

We walked down the hallway only to find another crowd of people screaming, yelling, and clapping.As curious as we are Jason and I went to investigate.we shoved our way through the crowd trying to get to the front.

It was Aaron and Luke.Luke was on his knees looking up at Aaron with flowers in his hands. Aaron noticed me and mouthed 'what do I do?'.

Like the friend I am I just start to laugh at him. He's so oblivious.


Aaron's POV

With all the people around us I started to feel anxious. I don't handle the spotlight very well.

Lately ever since Luke and I started dating. We became the first gay couple in school. People have been non stop talking about it for days. Always pointing fingers at us and loud whispers coming our way.

I pulled Luke up to his feet and pulled him out of the crowd. Avoiding Kani and Jason.

I brought him into the boys bathroom.

"Luke what's wrong with you?"

I said folding my arms at him."I really don't like all this attention, I get anxious."

"I can't help it your just too cute not to spend every moment with."Luke said stepping closer to Aaron.

"W-well, can you keep the hallway interactions to yourself. Maybe some other time." I said stepping away from him.

Luke placed a kiss on my cheek and walked out the bathroom while saying," Love you."

"Love you too." I whispered after he walked out of the bathroom.


Kani's POV

Aaron and Luke had both disappeared in to the boys bathroom. The bell had rang and it was time to go home.

I walked straight out the door not saying anything to Jason.

Man, I just wanted to go home, but nope not this time! Jason ran up to me catching up with my fast walk pace.

"Did you forget? I'm your fake boyfriend so that means I have to walk you home. That's what real boyfriends would do right?" Jason said hesitantly trying to put his arm around my shoulders. I smacked his hand away.

"Fine, but your carrying my backpack." I threw my backpack at him and he groaned in pain."Do you have bricks in here or something?"

Jason said putting the backpack on his shoulders.



Time Skip


We arrived at my house and as usual no one was home. I lead Jason up to my room."Put my backpack down here, okay, you can go now." I said waving my hands at him.

He set my backpack next to my desk and observed his surroundings."Your room is so girly." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes at him. I pushed him out the door of my room, but then we heard keys in the front door. Then we heard the door opening.

"Kani, were home!"
