
Jason's POV

The ceremony


I walked down the hallway following Joseph close behind. The hallways were just the same when I left this place a while ago. I've walked these halls thousands of times, but I eventually got bored of looking at the same thing over and over again.

The noise of loud chatter became louder as we rounded the corner of the hallways. We arrived to the main room and there were people everywhere. Everyone was dressed in fancy dresses and suits and in the center of the room stood my mother, sister, and brother. They were greeting people that came to the ceremony. My mother looked especially happy when Aubrey appeared to greet her. As soon as I walked into the room everyone turned their attention towards me and bowed.

I awkwardly bowed back even though I've been bowing to crowds my whole life. Then again I haven't been here in a few months.

I walked towards my brother who was standing next to his fiance Lisa. "You must be Jason it's such a pleasure to meet you." Lisa said as she raises her hand toward me. Not knowing what to do I grabbed her hand and awkwardly shaked it. "Oh." Was all Lisa said in response to my awkward sideways handshake she then proceeds to leave Jacob's side to greet my mother.

"How is everyone?" Jacob whispered lowly to me as he looked around the room. Guards were at every corner of the room and I knew this just made our plan difficult.

"Everything's fine, but where's Jayla?" I said as as my eyes searched the room in panic. I headed towards the exit of the room, but the guards were ordered to not let anyone leave the room.

Did Jayla find out all ready?

As if right on que five guards in black suits and blue shirts came barging into the room with each of my friends in their grasp.

"Mother I've found intruders hiding in the palace, they plan to stop the ceremony and wedding for Jason and Aubrey." Jayla said and she turned towards me and smiled. I stood in my spot next to my brother and stared as the guards that held my friends captive.

Kani kept her head high and stared directly at Jayla though her back was turned towards her.

"Wait a moment, aren't you Kani Cooper?" My mother said as she took her finger and pointed it directly at Kani's face. Kani smirked as she looked the queen in her eyes.

"The one and only."

This isn't the time to be cocky.

"I want her dead! She tried to ruin my son's life and all he wanted was to live in peace, but this girl kept harassing him!" Mother explained with that fake sad act of hers. The crowd gasped in shock and loud whispers began circling the room.

I looked back at Jayla and all she did was smile.


Immediately I rush over in front of Kani and get on my knees as I bow in front of my mother. The crowd gasps again and more loud whispers circle the room. Cameras were quietly watching every thing.

"Jason what are you doing? Stand up." My mother says as she angrily whispers to me.

"I'm sorry mom, but I can't let you kill Kani or anyone for that matter. After being in this palace for so long I finally found the one thing I want and I will not let you take it away from me. Just like you've taken away my freedom and courage, but this time I want this, I want to be with Kani and I know you might not approve, but it's what father would have wanted for me. He would have wanted me to become happy and he would want that for you as well.

"He is correct."

The sudden deep voice in the room. A talk dark man walked into the room, who so happens to be my father he walks to stand next to Jacob and the whole room becomes dead silent.

"I do want him to be happy and I also want you to be happy too, Melanie." He says as he smiles at her.

"Will you let me stay with her? "

"I may seem unfit for your son, but I will never in a million years hurt him or even break his heart. Even now I realize that it isn't right to keep him hidden away from the world like this. I really do love your son." Kani says with courage in her eyes.

"Mother she's tricking you! She just wants the throne!" Jayla argued and looked at the cameras worriedly.

"No, I think you want the throne. You were the one that kidnapped Kani's family and you were the one who murdered Joseph!"

Joseph's dead?

I turn my head towards Jayla with a shocked expression the crowd whispers again.

"Joseph deserved to die! He decided to go against ME and even tried to ruin my path to the throne!" Jayla yelled out of anger and after realizing what she said she covered her mouth and looked around the room the cameras seemed to peer at her. Her eyes became wide and she started to freak out.

She ran out of the room shortly after the guards chased after her.

We probably won't be seeing Jayla for a while. I looked back at my mother with hope and worry filled into my eyes.

"Thank you, for helping me realize what was right in front of me." My mother said as she smiled at my father. Immediately they held each other's hand and I looked at them both with a surprised face.

"I'll allow you to be with Kani and I should also thank you Kani." She said as the guards were letting go of Kani and the rest of our friends. Kani immediately ran to help me off the floor.

The crowd stopped their whispers and everyone began to cheer as scream.

I looked down at Kani." I kept my promise. Do I get a reward?" I said amused. "Yes you do get an award."

I lean my head towards hers and kiss her. A kiss that I've been saving for a long time now.

Thank you for noticing me Kani.
