Shuu || Taste me ||

A satisfied sigh escaped your lips, you finally finished cleaning the house and dinners ready. Now all that's left is to set up the table and inform the vampires that dinners ready. Humming random tunes that came to your lips, you placed the plates on the table.

"Everything's ready~!" you smile. Almost skipping, you wonder around from room to room telling them that dinner's all ready. When you reached Shuu you found him asleep, or whatever he does most of the time. Close his eyes and get lost in the music. You approach his figure which rested peacefully on his couch. You shake his body lightly in attempt to wake him up but he grabs your arm.

"You know that I don't need food right?" his familiar monotone voice come to your ears and you frown,

"B-but you should still eat," a blush come to your cheeks. Shuu peaked at you with one eye then got up. You smile, at least he got up. Shuu walks ahead of you towards the dining room.


All of them sat on their chairs and as you walked in they all glared at Shuu.

"He refused to come, right?" Ayato glared at the blond head but he ignored his glare and sat down calmly crossing his arms and closing his eyes shut. The death glares hadn't stopped until you sat on your chair next to Laito and Subaru.

Laito takes a bite, "(Name)-chan~, your cooking is so good~! Marry me~" you giggle at his mouth full expression responding with a smile.

Subaru takes a bite himself and takes a moment to enjoy the taste, "No, you'll marry me."

Ayato grins, staring at his food, "What are you guys talking about? You have no chance if I'm here."

"(Name) makes the best sweets, she'll make us sweets for eternity, right teddy?" Kanato brings his teddy up in questioning.

"Quite down." Reiji eyes them before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Shuu! You must eat!" you order, your motherly human nature couldn't let him do that. He must eat. Shuu opens one eye, his blue orbs stare at you and he observed your features then closes his eyes flat out ignoring your pleas.

Out of anger, you stab a piece of carrot with your fork, pushing yourself up and leaning on the table so you could reach Shuu who sat a cross of you. With minimum force you shoved it to his mouth and he opened his eyes wide as shock rescinded his features. You look at him and smile while making a small victory pose.

"Wow~, (Name)-chan~! You're so bold~, what a dramatic indirect kiss~" Laito coos and his eyes light up.

You just released how stupid that move was. Now Reiji's gonna punish you for being so 'unhygienic' and Laito's gonna tease you about this for the rest of your life.

Shuu glances at his brothers, who all currently gave him the worst, most terrifying death stares in history, it's like murder is emanating from them and Shuu's gonna be the victim to 5 sadistically terrifying vampires. But it seems like Shuu really doesn't care. He looks them over and takes the fork biting the carrot away.

"Awww~! I want an indirect kiss too~! Actually, a kiss would be even better~" Laito smirks as he cupped your chin forcing you to look at him. He got so close that you could feel your noses touching but someone punched him away.

Subaru held onto his hand as he loosened his shoulder, "You're so annoying!"

"That's enough. (Name) you will be punished for starting this."

"What? Aww..." You pout trying to make yourself look as small as possible, "But Reiji-sama~" you peeped at him through your long, thick, eyelashes, your (color) eyes sparkled with hope that he'll let you off.

"That won't work on me." Reiji got up,

"You're still in trouble." And with that he left the dining room.

"Awww! I thought it would work!" you sigh.

Laito grins, "It definitely worked on Subaru and me~"

"Talk for yourself." Subaru spoke firmly,

"Guys! Shut up! I'm the one who's gonna be punished here." You snap a little but slumped down in your chair. This is gonna be a long week.


You can finally get time for yourself, the garden at the back of the Sakamaki's house was beautiful, and what you like the most was the soft grass that felt better than any mattress.

You lie down on grass facing the sky. When you spot the stars you can really think about life. What's the punishment Reiji has in plan for you? You really don't want to know.

"(Name)," someone speaks up and startles you. You follow the source of the noise. Shuu. He lay peacefully next to you.

"Sorry for forcing that on you." You laugh awkwardly thinking back about the carrot incident.

"It was nice getting a taste of you." You could have sworn you saw him grin but he, being emotionally deprived, it's hard to imagine.



