Ruki || Feed me ||

The first week you visit them in a month and you get sick. They're all mad but they know, from personal experience, that the can't take out their anger on you or you might get even more sick.

Ruki hates seeing anyone in pain, and you especially, it hurt s him to see you like that.

You lay on the bed covered in a futon. Your chest would go up and down in rhythm with the sound of your breath. You took long, rapid pants and exhaled quickly. Sweat travelled down your forehead and your soft hair wet from the perspiration. Your features, soft and they spelled out exactly what you felt, tired.

It was Ruki's turn to look after you and he seat next to you with a book in hand. The book was off no use as he didn't even read it, you were a much more interesting piece of art than the book.

Abruptly, you shook your head and your calm expression turned to a troubled one, 'No please don't, don't, please.' You whispered in your sleep and he still caught your words. Super human vampire abilities. 

Glancing at you he closes his book and places it on the night table.

'Please it hurts.' You whisper. The back of your hand come to rest on your forehead and your heart beat quickened.

Ruki stared at you with astonishment, what where you dreaming about? It surly seems to be a nightmare. Ruki's never seen you this troubled. A smile usually decorated your complexion or a playful frown but now, you look vulnerable. Like a kid lost in an airport.

Ruki found his fingers feeling your forehead. Your head was so hot and to the vampire's ice cold hands, you felt like you were melting.

His cold slender fingers felt good on your burning forehead. You reach for his hand feebly and when you finely touched it you pull it towards as you turned to the side. Nuzzling into his hand, a small smile enticed your lips.

The vampire was taken aback. He'd never had someone do this to him. Your soft silky hair tickled him a bit as he stood there, while you held tightly onto his fingers.

The shock he was put into faded into a smile. It played onto his face and he took a seat at the edge of your bed allowing you full access to his hand.

Ruki's a vampire and the cold his skin radiated is like the warmth you need on a cold day. The smile was still there until you opened your eyes and realized what you've been holding onto like your holding onto dear life.

"Ruki-kun?" you try to push yourself up struggling,

Ruki let out a smirk he just couldn't keep in, "Seems like you get lonely when you sleep."

All he wanted to know was what really troubles you so much that you dreamt about it like that. Who was that person who cause you all that pain? He'll find out. But now's not a good time.

"No I don't!" you protest and he lets out a light chuckle.

Ruki sighs and gets up, fast mood shifting, "You must be hungry so I'll go get you some porridge." You nod and finally managed to seat up with the support of the bed head.


Ruki finally came back with a bowl of rice porridge in his hand, "Here." He hands it and you accept,

"Thank you Ruki-kun."

You attempt to bring the half-spoonful to your mouth but the spoon was too heavy for your weakened fingers,

The bowl was taken away from you and Ruki sighs, "Do I even have to feed you?" irritation visible even in his voice as he shoved a spoonful to your mouth.

You look down a little, feeling abashed, your cheeks filled with porridge, "S-sorry Ruki-"

"Next time when I'm tired, you'll feed me."




I love Ruki so much! I should stop this, I love them all....

Next up! Azusa!