1.1 || Special Chapter! ||

"Yes~! (Name)-chan gets to spend New Year's with us~" Kou beamed playing with your hair as you tried to eat your food.

Yuma eyed Kou as he chewed down his food, "Kou stop that, (Nickname)'s trying to eat!" he spoke between spoonful's.

"Yuma stop talking with your mouthful, Kou keep your hands to yourself."

Kou ignored Ruki's orders and continued to tangle his slim fingers through your hair, "But (Name)-chan's hair is so soft and silky~! I just can't help it~"

You sigh knowing that no matter what you say he'll still continue playing with your hair.

Kou begin braiding your (color) hair then he whisperers in your ears, "You know they saw that if you spent New Year's Day with the one you love you'll have a successful year together~"

"What ae you whispering about?" Yuma eyeballed Kou along with Ruki and Azusa, who smirked in return.

"It's a secret, right (Nickname)~chan~?" Kou turns to you hoping you play along with him.

You sigh resting your chin on your palm, "It's stupid."

Kou faked being hurt, "What~? (Name)-chan~ That's so cold~"

"Azusa, please eat." You flat out ignored Kou. He's been annoying you for the past hour and you want a break for his pleas.

Azusa looks at you lazily and back at the food,

"Just a bite, for me please." You pout and now all the attention turned to Azusa. Some glared and others sent death stares.

Azusa lazily picks up the spoon and sips some of your homemade soup, "(Name)... your cooking is...amazing..." he speaks in his monotonous voice but there was still a hint of emotion in it.

"Hey (Name)-chan~ Feed me~" Kou leans back on his chair waiting for you.

"You can feed yourself." You rejected, mostly because of how the last time you attempted to feed someone ended.

"You're so mean~" "Fine then, ill feed myself, Kou takes your fork, which was inches from your mouth, and bites on it pulling it away to bite the piece of meat.

"H-hey! Kou-kun..." you blush remembering Laito's teasing about it being an indirect kiss. Wasn't a kiss supposed to be with the person you marry? You just don't know how this works anymore. You never had the chance to really understand relationships.

"Idiot." Yuma got up from his chair and punched him on the head.

Kou held his head in pain, "Hey, don't pick fights!"

Ruki and Azusa had not time to comment. All of them had a sudden change of expression as if they all noticed something strange. Their bodies stiffened and they were on guard communicating to each other be eye contact leaving you out of it.

"You're picking fights with yours truly!" out of nowhere Ayato teleported behind you and grabbed you by the arm.

"Ay-ayato-sama?" your hand travels to where his arm that almost choked you grabbing onto it. He senses your discomfort and loosens his grip.

Reiji pops up on the empty seat at the head of the table, "Care to explain why you have (Name)?" he crosses his arms conveying his authority to them.

"No need to explain. Where going to destroy them." Subaru walks calmly toward Kou as he loosened his arm, getting ready to attack.

Laito pops up on the window frame, he leans on the wall as he glimpses at you, "They were having fun with (Nickname)-chan all by themselves~ Not fair~!"

Shuu leaned on the wall as he sat up, his eyes closed as he listened to music, he peeks at you through one eye.

"See teddy? Half-blood's are still stupid." Kanato approached you as Ayato continued to hold you protectively.

Yuma smirks and begins loosening his muscles ready to punch the lights out of the Sakamaki's, "Fighting over (Name)? Sounds fun. I'll beat the crap out of you for thinking you could steal her away."

With that the fighting begin. Yuma took on Ayato and Laito. Ruki got Shuu and Reiji. Kou got Subaru. And the two weirdest guys got each other. Kanato and Azusa.

Nae pi ttam numul (Blood sweat and tears), (ARMY WHERE YOU ATT?) was everywhere. Plus food everywhere. That's what the fight involved. No matter how much you begged for them to stop, they wouldn't. A tear ran down your cheek. You just feel like this is all your fault. If you had at least told the Sakamaki's you were coming here and the reasons, this wouldn't have happened.

They all stop at the sight of your tears and looked down mortified. They were fighting over you but they made you cry. It doesn't make sense.

"I hate you guys!" and with that you stormed out the room. You find yourself admiring the glow of the moon on the lake beside the Mukami' residence. How can they be so stupid? Today was your last die of our visit to the Mukami's and this is how it goes, huh?


You look behind you but before you can catch who it is, he grabs you and hugs you from the back. The person rests his head on your shoulder and his soft hair brushes against your cheek.

"I'm sorry..."


So! WHO'S the mysterious person?😏 ❤️


