Chapter 13: Qiao Jun Jie

What I saw with my own eyes was the handsome boy I have met in the library during the summer holiday. Now in this room with cameras and special lights, I can see his face clearer than ever.

'Okay I admit, he is more handsome than me if we were to be compared on a level of who looks more mature and tough, compared to me who is like a handsome cutie, whose cheeks you can't help but want to pinch'

"Dear Xiao Wei, if you could please come forward and meet the other top scorer" says the reporter of the show.

I nod and walk towards the mysterious boy. When I reach him I take my hand to shake his.

"Hi, my name is Han Xiao Wei, I can see that we are both very handsome so you should also have a nice name"

Although the boy has the so called 'bitch face' as if nothing ever bothers him, I could see his eyes light up when I reached my hand out. And now that I am closer to him I notice that his ears are turning slightly red. He is clearly a bit embarrassed and shy. So cute

"Hello. My name is Qiao Jun Jie. It is nice to meet you, Mr. Han Xiao Wei" He says in a serious tone.

I nearly laugh out loud because not only is the greeting very eccentric, the boy himself realises he made a blunder and did not know how to correct what he said. Once again, I wanna die from cuteness overload.

"So, Jun Jie, if I can call you that?" He nods in approval.

"What was your score? How old are you?What is Your favourite subject? What did you revise for the most?" I bombard him with questions since I am pretty excited to see someone my age who is as smart as me (physical age, my mental age is that of an adult okay -_-. I am not actually a child!).

"Ehmm...To answer your questions, My score was also 749 points, I am now 17 years old, I do not have a favourite subject and I spent an equal time revising for all the subjects" He replies, a bit dumbfounded with all these questions I asked at once.

He looks at me, and I meet his eyes and for some reason, we stare at each other like that for a while. Just like that time in the library, when it felt like I was enchanted, but this time the feeling is reciprocated.

'Xiao Wei, wake up there's so many people around don't embarrass yourself just because you're a face con!'

Thankfully, the reporter broke the weird trance we were in. "Okay, so with two top scorers in the province, there are definitely plenty of things to talk about. Unfortunately with our show only being broadcasted for an hour, you two will have to catch up after the show" She states

I immediately think about exchanging phone numbers. I really would love to have a friend like Jun Jie. He seems like someone you can always rely on, besides, I have a weird feeling I will regret not getting to know him.

"Okay students, let's get into the first game of the show. Let's maybe treat it as an ice breaker to let the audience and yourselves get to know each other." Said the reporter.

"The first game will be a chinese game of description. We will test your knowledge of Chinese poetry. You will have a minute to describe a given poem to the opponent, and they will have a minute to guess what poem it is" Hmm... I feel like this game is too simple for my genius.

The reporter smirked at the camera and then added, "However... there is a catch! Xiao Wei and Jun Jie will both have to describe the poems without using any spoken or written words! This will make the game harder as they have to rely on their memory and imagination at the same time!" Ohh.. there it is!

"Haha, Miss reporter, this seems super fun! I can't wait" I look st Jun Jie and see that his head perked up a bit, I think that means he is also a bit interested. For some reason, I feel happy when he feels like this.

"Yes, it seems interesting" I have noticed that Jun Jie is a man of few words so he probably likes any game where he does not have to talk. This person is making me more and more interested in befriending him.

"Okay! The first poem will be given to Jun Jie and Xiao Wei will guess what poem he is trying to describe"

Jun Jie read the poem name, and I could see his ears redden immediately. For some reason I am somehow glad that others did not notice this cute action of his and that I am the only one who knows this side of him...

He proceeded to sit down. He cast his gaze down, and started to comb his hair. Although his expression did not reveal anything, when he turned around, I saw the emotions in his eyes. To me, I could see in his eyes, a saddened, mourning expression.

I did not have the time to admire his looks as the wheels in my head turned rapidly. as he kept repeating the motion over and over, something clicked in my head "Song Of Rover City!"

When I said that, everyone fell silent.

"Xiao Wei... it's only been 20 seconds and you already guessed the answer. That poem was one of the hardest ones we prepared!" Said the reporter, with a stunned and excited face.

"I just really like this poem. The metaphors the author uses to convey his morning love to his late wife, I wish that one day I could meet someone who would mourn for me like that" I said with a whishful and saddened smile, as I remember that in the 28 years of my past life, I never had a lover, let alone one who loved me with all their heart....

"Ohh, Xiao Wei, you are still young, I am sure you will find someone like that in the future" Said the reporter

"Mr. Han Xiao Wei, I believe that with all of your statistics, it will be very easy to find a partner your level in the future" Said Qiao Jun Jie, and this time, not only did his ears heat up, but also his neck. How cute...

"Haha, Thank you, I also believe I will meet someone if fate brings us together!" I say as I look into Jun Jie's eyes.

And once again, we are in a trance while staring into our eyes. 'Xiao Wei! Get yourself together! You're on national TV u stupid face con!!!'

With much difficulty, I broke contact and we continued to play the game.

The game resulted in us both winning in a tie, again. Everyone was laughing and saying how we are both on the same level and subconsciously do not want to beat each other. Again, for some reason Jun Jie felt shy and I just couldn't stop laughing since I think I was the only one who could see through this real emotion of his.

I just want to pinch his cheeks!

After we finished playing the games, the recording crew has already packed up and gone home. My teacher and Grandpa and Uncle Zhang have also gone home to rest.

'I promised them I will cook dinner tomorrow. I will need to go grocery shopping after buying a phone' I thought as I walked closer to Jun Jie, to say goodbye.

He was the first one to say something this time, "Ah, Xiao Wei" He stopped calling me by my full name when he realised I do not mind him calling me informally, once again, cuteeeee.

"It was nice to finally meet you" He smiled

AAAHH! He smiled! My brain was suddenly on overload, because not only was his smile rare, it was also so so enchanting, I don't think I could ever get used to not freezing up whem I see it.

However with the last speck of reason my brai detected the strangeness of his words. 'Hmmm... He said 'finally' I am sure I only saw him in the library a few times though'

"Finally?" I ask with a smile

"Uhhh" He seems to realise his blunder and goes red. This time, his whole fave is red, and I still find it cute. I laugh and he says "I saw you in the library very often. I felt like becoming friends with a person like you would make me feel very happy"

'Haha, he is so cute. I have noticed after a few hours of knowing him, that whenever he gets shy, he accidentally talks in a very formal and polite way'

"Yes! I would love to be friends with you. Jun Jie. how about you give me your phone number? I am planning to buy a phone right now, so I will save your number immediately!"

Jun Jie nods quickly and I write his number on a piece of paper.

I am not usually like this, however in my heart I do not want to part with him. I feel like he also does not want to part with me. So once again... We stare into each others eyes.

'His eyes are honestly so beautiful, so black like an abyss but at the same time show so much emotion. His cheeks are heating up because of our close distance and his lips are so pink and handsome, I just want to lean in and kiss them....'

