The Interview





United kingdom






Waiting...Waiting... The waiting kills you. To the right is a little girl and to the left is an older man, and then there's Justin. Justin Smith from Australia, that's all he's known as for now and maybe that's all he will be known as. He was nervous like anyone would be, when chosen to play this game, what a sick game it is. His hair was a honey blonde with slight curls this matched his amber-brown eyes and olive skin.

He looks around again, getting a good feel for everyone. The light goes green, "Canada!" a red-haired man walks over. He has freckles covering his face and light brown eyes that looked like gems. Justin watched him nervously just waiting for his turn to go up for his, potentially, the last message. The poor girl he thought looking over at the 9-year-old, he wondered what her parents must be thinking and how worried they were. This was most likely her last message, most children don't make it out alive without an adult.

Justin looked up and was frightened. a tall, maybe 6 foot, man with brown hair and white skin towered over him. He looked into the man's mesmerizing blue eyes nervously, shaking all over.

"Hey, I ain't gonna bite." his voice was calm and Justin stopped shaking. "the name's Noah from Jersey! well- not the island- New Jersey. If you don't know where that is-"

"its in America... I know." The smaller man felt rude for interrupting "my name's Justin... from Australia."

"Nice to meet you, like your name. Its got a nice ring to it."

Justin relaxed a little, Noah made him feel better, not alone. Maybe he would have a team for this year, last year he heard of some teams being as big as 10 people. His dream team would be 4 max, one person for every job, and it really didn't matter what gender they were as long as they got along. the man from before come out. Noah introduced me to him, his name is Mathew and they are college buddies and got to dorm together. College seems so close but yet so far, Justin was only 17 so he had time to plan but not much time. By the tone of voice, he could tell that the college buddies were at least 23 or 24 which makes for a weird age gap between the three. It didn't matter though, it was better than being alone... or dying alone.

The green light went off again "Peru" a young woman got up, maybe 15 or 16. She was heavily pregnant and everyone in the room stared at her even Noah and Mathew. It's not that she was bad looking, Justin found her rather attractive. Her dark brown hair and brown eyes looked lovely with the tan skin. The girl had a glow to her as well, she was beautiful. It was the pregnant part that shocked everyone, you don't expect someone to get knocked up so early in this day in age. Oh well, it wasn't Justin's problem and he didn't want it to be his problem but he did feel bad for her.

A few minutes passed and the woman came out and once again everyone stared, they couldn't keep their eyes away for some reason. Even the much older men like the British one that was talking to the other older people, you can hear the accent from a mile away. Then came the buggers, you know the type, the ones that want to be with her. The guys that say they love kids and will be the father. Those kinds of guys annoyed Justin, it's not just about liking kids it's about taking care of the kid like it's your own. You can feel the anger radiating off of the teenager, but as stated before it wasn't Justin's problem.

Noah, Mathew, and Justin formed what they like to call, a pact, basically they look after one another for the full month. Like always Justin was focused on for being the youngest even though he wanted to be treated as an adult. He was too shy to stand up to the older men so the pact stayed focused on protecting him. When they looked around other people were forming pacts like they were, hopefully someone would take in the little girl so they wouldn't have to. The trio wanted to take her in but there wouldn't be enough food and water to support a little kid, the older you are the more you can tolerate an empty stomach. it would take a smaller group to take her in.

"Maybe we should take one more" Mathew proposed

"Okay but who?" replied Justin

"I think I know who." Mathew looked around and was pleased to see the Eastern Europeans took the little girl. Then he spotted her "that one. Justin go get her over here" he pointed to the young lady from before.

Justin gulped and made his way over to the Peruvian as the sign flashed for the 70th time "Brazil" they called and the lager male got up and walked off leaving an open seat for Justin to sit down. The girl immediately felt uncomfortable with the situation thinking he was going to rant to her about giving her another kid or something. The teens sat in silence for a while until she spoke.

"so... name?" her accent was soft, she had been practicing English for a while from what she sounded like.

"Justin. what about you mate?" while her accent was soft and beautiful his was much stronger and prominent


"want to join my pact? ill protect you if you need it- butimsureyoucanprotectyourself! youdontneedaman!" he spoke quicker and hated it. Justin's palms were sweaty just from confrontation.

"sure. I join your pact."

Justin felt relieved and lead Jen over to introduce her to the rest of the pact. So now it was his ideal 4 members and they were great. for the rest of the hour, they talked about their game plan on how to survive. That was all that anyone thought about. survival.