Don't harm my queen

Vincent's pov

He is here.

All I could feel is anger, she saw him, the man I have tried to kill but never found.

What is he doing here??

How did he get here?

Hell is going to get another soul soon.

Trust me, when I am done with him he will beg.

"Vincent! Don't send any soul to me!" Anubis' mind links me. It's good he already knows what I am capable of doing.

He always managed to get away in the nick of time.

I am about to run off to search for him but I realize that he could be anywhere.

"Elizabeth where did you see him and how did he enter the pack?" I asked her with rage.

When did this pack's security become so weak!

This pack is slacking. This Kingdom is slacking!

He must not escape!

He must have found out about Zoe, but no one else knows about her.

Another power-hungry person must have found out about Zoe!

I won't let him hurt my queen.

She is mine and mine alone.

He won't even be close to touching a strand of hair from her forehead.

"I saw him in the courtyard, I don't know how he entered the pack. Maybe when Alpha Nate was given permission to enter pack lands he sneaked in," she says.

He must have used a spell so that we wouldn't be able to sense his presence.

Only this pack has Fayes.

They must have betrayed me. I am going to change everyone.

What in the world does he want in my pack?

  I was about to ask more questions but then I hear a loud scream.

That sounds like Zoe.

Oh, no is he close to her?

No way!

I will rip his arms!

I run towards the direction of the sound and I see Zoe.

She looks scared. She's trembling inside but she's putting up a brave face.

How do they know each other?

"Don't come closer, Matthew leave me alone, please go away before I go something bad to you," she said. 

"What would you do little Zoesephi?" Matt says to her.

Zoesephi? What?

Who in the world is Zoesephi and what does she have to do with Zoe?

" Stop calling me that, that's not my name, I am not her!" Zoe shouts at Matt. He lunges for my mate but Nate is quick to tackle him.

I rush to Zoe and she's about to break down.

She's having a panic attack!

She was fine but when she heard the name Zoesephi, she was broken.

Ugh! Why?

I am going to take her to my room.

I have to make her calm first.

"Shh, Zoe it's okay I'm right here with you," I said.

"V-vvv, I d-idn't k--il-l h-er. I'm not the reason she's de-a--d! No!" she says crying.

"Zoe calm down I'm right here," I say to her reassuring her. Hugging her close to me.

"He is going to kill me, h-e" before she could say more she faints.

I carry Zoe up to our bedroom and lay her on the bed.

I try to leave the bed to get the pack doctor but she doesn't let me go.

I hold her in my arms and kiss her forehead.

I mind link Jordan so that he can bring the pack doctor.

He asks what's wrong but I don't reply to him.

Soon Jordan enters the room with the pack doctor. 

"Vincent, what happened?" Jordan asks,

"I don't know," I say to him.

Who is this Zoesephi?

"She was fine when she left the office then she saw Matt, they had an encounter and this happened. Matt! I forgot about that scum. Jordan I will be back," I say to him.

I went out of the house and only see Nate.

"Nate where is he?" I asked.

"He ran away," he says panting.

"What the hell is going on? How does Zoe know him and why didn't you notice him following you here?" I ask.

"Vincent I don't know, I don't understand what is going on," he said confused.

"Okay we will figure it out, but how do you know him and why did Zoe give that reaction?" I asked him

"Vincent I really do its not my story to tell, when she's ready she will tell. I told him," he says

I sigh.

"How did you know he was here?" He asked me.

"Elizabeth told me and she knows him because he was her ex-boyfriend," I told him to prevent her m from asking me.

"Isn't she like 16?" he asked questions.

"Yes she is but she likes to do her own things."

He was about to ask another question then I heard Zoe scream.

Saved by my mate.

I ran to my mate and saw she was having another panic attack. I hugged her and told her it was okay.

" What is going on?" I ask the pack doctor.

"I don't know," he says.

Maybe she is having a flashback about what is going on.

He brought out an injection, and when Zoe saw she said.

"Vincent please do the needful do not let him give me the injection, please if he doesn't I promise I'll be a good mate. I will be an obedient mate."

I see what she is doing she is trying very hard but it will not work.

Then I tilted her face so that she will be looking directly at my eyes and mind linked the doctor to give Zoe the injection.

Geez, so this strong queen is scared of injections?

Good information for future purposes.

"Zoe it's okay I won't let anything bad happen to you so it's okay just calm down," I told her as I told her the doctor injected her and she fell into a deep slumber. I kissed her forehead and stayed there while everyone left and waited for her to wake up and I fell asleep with her.