Childhood Trauma


Zoe's pov

Remember I said I'll give you a second part of my relationship with my dad, well here it goes.

Here is a quick recap of what happened that made me despise my father.

A few years ago, Zoe's pov.

What a time to be alive. Most kids are having abusive parents. why do the children have to suffer because of their parents or their siblings.

all I remember from my childhood is my abusive father. I lost my memory for a while but who cares!

as a saying goes, "What an elder sees while sitting a child can not see even when climbing the highest mountain!"

This saying is trash. I say use a drone!

Let me tell you all a story of how my childhood was.

Well, just one story! I will tell you more later on.

my brother, Nate, just had his appendix removed, it was time to go home and take care of him.