Someone knocks on the door.
Layla: Hey Mike! Did you take care of DM?
DM: Sure did!
Layla had a confused and worried look on her face behind DM'S back.
Layla went in her room and Sophia walked in.
DM: Hey! Uh... What's the password for the computer again?
Sophia: It's Elemental Masters? Did you bump your head or something??
DM: No no, I'm fine.
Sophia: Are you sure? You seem a bit off, whatever it is I'll be right by you're side.
DM had a crooked smile on his face and Sophia was weirded out by this.
DM: I know.
They heard the elevator door open and Joey walked out.
Joey: Ah! Mike and Sophia! Did the antidote work?
Sophia: Mike did all the work! Isn't that right Mike?!
DM: Yes, yes it did (laughs than quickly coughs)
DM: I'm sorry, something was in my throat.
Mark: Mike bro! I missed you!
Mark was about to hug DM but DM pushed him back.
Mark put his angry face on.
Joey: Mark! Do you need some fresh air?
Mark: Yes please.
Joey: Ok we'll be back!
Joey and Mark rushed out the door, DM smiled at Sophia and she smiled back.
Mark: Tell me about it! He won't even accept a bro hug! I MEAN, WHO TURNS DOWN A BRO HUG??!
Joey: I wish there was a faster way to travel.
Mark: Grab my hands tightly, but not too tight.
Joey: Why?
Mark: You said you wanted a faster transportation.
Mark and Joey flew, Joey stared in all of how high they were.
Joey: Mark go down! I see a junkyard and... MIKE?!?
Mark and Joey made it to the junkyard, they saw Mike passed out.
Mark and Joey rushed over to Mike, Mark lightly slaps Mike on the chin.
Mike opened his eyes.
Mike: Mark! Joey! Thank goodness you're here! DM stabbed me in the shoulder with the antidote.
Joey: Is it ok if I check the wound?
Mike nodded his head in agreement and Joey analyzes his shoulder.
Joey: CALL 911!
Mike: But we can't risk on revealing our identities to non super
powered beings!
Mark: Mike, it's a life or death situation man!
Mike: Alright go ahead!
Jay: Mike! Where are you going?
DM: I'm going to the lab to get some stuff.
Tommy: I'm coming with you!
DM: No! I'm going to go alone!
Ray: Whatever man! You do you!
DM went downstairs to the lab, he saw some weapons, devices and a rodent.
The taking rodent got out of his cage.
Talking rodent: Hey! You there! Down here! Listen, can you take me outside?
DM: Shut up pesky rodent! Get back in you're cage!
The rodent grumbles and did what he was told to do.
DM found one of those devices with a big red button on it.
Ray: Well... Look what we have here! A mole!
DM turned towards them.
DM pushed the red button releasing a cage right above our heroes, Layla and Sophia did a backwards flip to avoid the cage but the rest of them were trapped.
DM: Ooh! What is this??
DM found a clock with a small red button on it.
Jay: Don't touch that button!
DM: I'm going to touch it anyway.
DM pushed the red button on the clock and it showed us that we have 3 minutes before it explodes.
DM: He's in a junkyard no one will think to look.
Sophia: Oh yea? Then why did Mark text me saying that their taking Mike to the hospital?
DM: Uhh...
DM got a stun gun and hit Sophia making her fall.
Cori and Tori tried to wake Sophia up but was unsuccessful.
DM saw some smoke bombs and put two of them in his pocket.
DM was about to escape with one in his hand but Layla smacked it out of his hand, escaping together.
Jay: LAYLA!!
Doctor: You're in luck! You're wound will heal in a couple of hours! But until then, you'll won't be able to move you're shoulder or use your superpowers.
Mike: Thanks doc!
Mark looked out the window, a few seconds later DM and Layla appeared in a puff of smoke.
Mark: You guys need to go! Now!!
The doctor and Joey put Mike around their arms and left.
Mark steppes back as DM smashes through the window.
DM: Where is Mike?!?
Mark: You can't have him! Fight me instead!
Layla: Don't forget about me.
Layla stood next to Mark, her fists started to glow pink and DM and Mark's glowed purple. The battle was on.
Sophia woke up.
Tommy: Layla! Help us!
Sophia rushed over and opened the bars of the cage with her super strength.
They all got George and Lucy then escaped the building.
They watched the building blow up with their very own eyes.
Ray: Now where will we have our meetings, weapons and our computers!?
Sophia: People! We can't just let DM win just because he destroyed our HQ! We can't give up hope... I won't give up hope! Who's with me!?
Everyone cheered.
A few minutes later the doctor, Mike and Joey arrived.
Joey: what the heck happened to our HQ??
Jay: Well, DM hit an alarm clock in YOU'RE lab and pushed the red button.
Jay crossed his arms.
Jay: Yea.
Joey: You listen—
Mike: Guys! We have bigger priorities! We don't need you to fight over something that's unnecessary to our mission!!
Joey: You're right! And I think I knows how to get rid of DM wants and for all.