Chapter 1

The sound of my alarm going off woke me up. Why the hell did I set it so early as I look at the blinking red numbers showing five A.M. I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't. Today was the first day of my new career in the LAPD. I was the new kid on the block also known as the rookie cop. I always wanted to be a cop since I was a kid. It wasn't because of the crime shows on t.v but because my father was a cop and so was his father and so on and so forth. My father wanted his son to keep the transition but my brother Greg wanted to be a doctor. So he was stuck with having his baby girl as the cop in the family. I didn't mind, I was stronger and faster than my brother and a bit more out there than he ever was. Growing up my brother likes pink and to play with dolls while I wrestle the kids on the block in the mud. My family was mixed my dad was white while my mother is full Mexican. I took after my father more than my mother. I had hazel green eyes like my father and my skin was pale like his as well. But I did get my mother's raven black hair while my brother took up more from my mother than his father. He had black hair as well and light brown skin and light brown and our father's hazel eyes.

My family grew up in the bad area of L.A where they were fighting and gunfights every day but my father didn't get hurt because of them. He walks these streets and everyone knew him. He was a good cop and always look out for those who needed it. One time he gave half of his paycheck away to some family down the street so they could have food for a week. I wanted to be that kind of cop. My brother wanted to help people too by giving them free healthcare and whatnot. But enough thinking of the past and my family. I needed to get ready for my first day on the job. I dress in my black uniform and ate a quick meal before I left and drive to the LAPD headquarters on 100 W 1st St. I lived forty minutes away and was going to make it on time. I didn't know what to expect. It was my first day after all. I got ready for the day and saw myself in my new uniform. I thought to myself that 'I look good'. I left my house a bit early and the traffic was light so it was a breeze to get to work.

After finding a parking spot I got out my by 1964 Mustang. It was restored. My father and I brought it as a junker when I turned sixteen and built it back up. I was super proud of it. Then I hear my name being called. "Hey Haley nice car!" said Jack. We went to high school together and he is my brother's lover. "You say that every time you see her Jack get a life," I said to him. "For your information, I have a life and it's with your brother," he shot back and I just laughed. They were so in love that it was gross but who could blame them. They both were always talking about how short life is and is always setting me up on dates and trying to get me to settle down with a girl. But that's not for me right now. I just started a new career and I want to be able to live a little more before I get serious with anyone. I mean I had relationships that were serious but never lasted. They all kind of cheated on me and left me for someone else. It doesn't bother me much anymore but because of that, I'm not looking. So what's the rush right? I am just starting my life so this time is for me, myself, and I. After talking to Jack I go inside the building and look for the front desk. I didn't know the layout of the building. Stepping inside I see high ceilings and wide-open windows and people walking in all directions. Some in uniforms and others aren't. I made my way to the front desk and ask for directions to the squad room that I am assigned to. " Squad room 4D is on the second floor and to your left officer," said the pretty front desk person. I nodded my thanks and went to the stairwell and climb the two flights of stairs to the second floor. I left and look for the door mark 4D. Five minutes later I find it and walk-in. I took notice that only one other was they and he looks scared.

I go and sit down by him. He doesn't seem to notice me. "Hey, I'm Haley what's up," I ask him. He jumps a little bit and smiles a bit. "I'm Josh nice to meet you, this is my first day," he said. "It's my first day too so don't be so nervous relax," I told him and he started to lessen up a bit. We started to talk a bit more and a few minutes later other officers started to come in and took their seats. After ten more minutes, the out chief came him. "We have to new rookies today, Santiago you're going with Brooks and Anderson you're going with Holland and now for today's meeting," was all the chief said. He went on about the string of gang-related crimes are on the rise in some areas and how there were four muggings in the past week and six store robberies. Then he dismissed up. I left Josh to find my partner Brooks. "Alright Rookie follows me," said the guy. He was at least six foot two and skinny. "Coming," I said and rush out after him. I was super short compared to him. I was barely five foot three so I had to jog a bit to keep up with him. He leads the way to the underground parking lot where to police cruisers were. We go into car 2547 and he let me drive. "Alright rookie I'll be showing you the ropes for the year and then you'll have a new partner if I don't like you," said Brooks. I didn't care if he liked me or not. I had a job to do and I wanted to become a detective after I did my years on the street.

As I started up the car we left and he told me the route we were going to take. He said where we're going to be patrolling the art district. Nothing really happens there so I am assuming he was going to take it easy on me because I am a girl well he's got another thing coming. Before we get there the radios go off and we hear a male's voice saying there is an attempting kidnapping and we were in the area so Brooks replays and I flick on the sirens and race down to the address. It was to a middle school and we got there with what like two parents fighting. I walk up to them and said: "What's going on here?" And then the women speak. "He was trying to take her when he knows he's never allowed to see her again," she said. "She's my kid to Dana and I have every right to see her," said the man. I look down and I see this kid hiding behind her mother. She looks scared of him. "Listen we got a call and we are to make sure everything is alright and safe and since they don't want you here you have to go," I told him in a calm voice. "Like hell I do," he said and he went after the women and her kid. I step in between them and brought him to the ground. Brooks didn't do anything and just watch as I took down the larger guy. I read him his rights and handcuff him. Yet again Brooks did not help me.

I put him in the back of the car and Brooks didn't even say a good job. He went and radio in that got the guy and was bringing him in. I didn't say anything I was just driving and when the guy started kicking at my seat. "Let me out!" he yelled in my ear and I just let it go. He was pissed because I took him down and that he couldn't see his kid any more. I may add that the little girl looks scared to all hell when she was hiding. I was brought from my thoughts when I saw a car hit another and went out of control. Brooks quickly radios it in and from medical to come. We were about five blocks away and other cruisers and officers were running to help. After booking our guy I wanted to go back out and help out until Brooks and I got a call from the chief telling us to head to the shipping yard. We headed out as soon as we were done possessing the guy and went on our way. The shipping yard was about an hour's drive away from the station and Brooks still didn't say a word to me. I could care less but he was the guy in charge of my training for the whole year.

As soon as we get to the shipping yard from our hour drive, a shipping container explodes. Brooks calls it in and we gear up and go in. This was my first day and I made an arrest and now I am going to check our what could've been a bomb or an accident. Today was one hell of a day but something told me that this was the start of something bigger and worse.