chapter 21

Josh and I continue our way to Dicks Sporting Goods when we ran into dickface again. I just ignore him. Josh paid him no mind until he suddenly jumps from the rooftop he was on and landed next to us. I stop and stare at him. "What do you want," I ask him. "nothing much just to look at ya," he said to me. I glare at him and kept it moving. I was not going to let some dude get in my way. "So, what are you guys are doing if you don't mind my asking?'. We are looking for supplies to help the people and take some home with us," I said. Josh nodded in agreement. This Vince guy was getting on my nerves. "hey, I got an idea why don't you meet my group after we gather your things," he said to me. I looked at him and thought about it, it would be a good idea to meet up with more groups and start a trade network or something. "alright we'll meet you group but not today," I said to him. He smiles at my answer and we walked in silence.

After an hour of walking, we finally reach our destination. The area that surrounds the store was a shipping center. This was a bad idea, but we made our way to the store anyway. As we got closer we slowed our movements, we needed to clear out the area of any and all possible threats. "guys this is a long area and we don't know what's hiding behind these walls, and frankly I don't want to be surprised, so let's drop them out, I mean we did ask for suppressors and drop these fuckers," I said. Vince look at me like I was crazy, and Josh just smiles. It was time to drop these fuckers and release some pent-up anger. I picked up a glass bottle and throw it against a nearby wall. There was a stir of sound the growling began. About seven of those things stumble out of a store. Josh and I quickly took aim and took care of them. After the first-round josh and I keep focus and made noise in control areas where we can have the upper hand. About seven to eight growlers we run or stumble to the sound and we would take them out. That was until I ticker came into view with about twenty or so growler on their tail. I cruse and looked at Josh. We had the ammotion but I didn't want to get overrun by them. The only thing we could do was fire at them and hope nothing attach them to us.

Josh and I were clearing out the area when I saw someone running from the on top of car roofs and shooting at them. They were making a hell of a lot of noise and I just sigh. There goes our cover. The noise from the gunshots echo from the buildings and brought more growlers and a few tickers our way. I heard a whoop from Vince and I fought the urge to punch him in the throat. How did I not notice him making a call to one of his own? I guess he did it while ago because two more people showed up firing at the growing horde. The brought more of the dead with each shot they took and Josh and I were growing more concern for our own safety. I saw Vince and his people yelling and laughing with no care in the world. Just my luck these people are reckless dumbasses. I continue to take down the dead until one of Vince's people throw a cocktail and blow up a car. I was flaming with rage, but I couldn't do anything about it. These people were going to get us killed and ill be damn if I die here.

An hour later and no more growlers or tickers came out of the store or from the streets. It was safe to say we were in the clear for now. they could still be some in the surrounding stores and the only way to find out was to go in and take care of them or let them come to us. I walk up to Vince and punch me in the gut. "what the fuck was that you could have gotten us kill," I said to him. "but we aren't dead yet," he said and crack a smile. I wanted to hit him again but instead, I walked away and went towards the Dicks Sporting goods. Josh was at the front looking through the windows for any movement. He gave the all clear sign and we both walked through the front. It was a mess and blood was all over the place. Other than that the place didn't look like its been search for any supplies. Josh and I clear each section of this place before we call Julie to let her know she can send people to raid this place.

Before we called her Josh and I gather our own supplies and so did Vince and his people. After the call on the radio Josh and I stay behind in case there was trouble for Julies men. Vince stays behind as well and started talking Josh's ear off. "Where were you when this was all going down?". "How did you find this beauty?". He asks so many questions at once Josh had trouble keeping up until he just gave up. I moved away from them when I saw Julies men. I waved them over and started moving the carts that Josh and I set up with clothes and shoes then the hunting gear. In total, she sent ten people and each person had something on there back and had a cart. When they knew that the area was clear they double up on the carts and started to gather more things.

I didn't want to leave them just yet, but something told me they were going to be safe since the area was dead free for now. it wouldn't be long until this area was invested again but for now, it was all good. "hey guys follow us," yell Vince from on top a car. I suppress my anger for this tall black-haired man. But I follow him. He was running, and Josh and I follow. Then he climbs up a building while we stayed street level. Soon was couldn't follow anymore and had to climb up to a rooftop and I saw him smiling at us. He started running again and climb up the side of a red brick building. It was going to be hard following him up here, but he was going to show us something important. So, we follow and had a few mishaps when Josh and I almost fell off the ledge. Running I was good at but free running not so much. An hour later we stop at a parking garage. We were on the third story of a townhouse and I looked down. I notice that the streets were blocked with cars and other stuff while the first level was cover with planks of wood and cars were push alongside the walls. There was no way to enter the first level because of the makeshift wall.

"Welcome to my home we call it Altea because she is home and we love her," Vince said. Weird name but if it was home and keep people safe then there was no problem with me. Vince then jumped from the building to the next one over they was a large gap between the two and I wasn't going to break my neck. "well come on this is the way to enter our home," Vince said with a smile. I knew he was lying but I didn't know where the other entrance was, so I walked away and take a running start and jump. I was scared I wasn't going to make it, but I did. I landed on my side and round and Josh landed right next to me landing on his back and groaning. Vince just laughs at us. I wanted to punch him in the face, but he was too tall for me to reach. I got up and follow him to the side of the building that was touching the garage.

We walked across a small gap and into the building. I saw people running and in small groups talking and eating. I saw kids and some animals. "this is one place you go here," I said to Vince. "well it should be my sister and I help save a lot of these people here and are training them to run out and get supplies or to run when this place gets over run," he said. "my sister is on the top floor right now, her name is Katie, she is one touch baster and I love her, she saved me skin in the first few days, I would be lost without her," he said. This man was a pain in the ass, but I could tell he was kind. He showed us around the floor and then brought us to meet his sister. The top floor was level ten, and we were on level three. I can handle running and jumping but hated the stairs. This was going to be leg day for sure. Ten minutes later and some mild complaining later we were on level ten and I saw some people gather around the small security building in the middle.

Vince yells at them and ran to them while yelling our names. He spoke to someone with short black hair and same eye color as him. She was built like him in height. She looked over at us and smile. She walks over to us leaving Vince behind to talk to them. "hey there, I'm Katie, and sorry about my brother he can be a pain in the ass but thank you for letting us get some supplies," she said to me. "it was no problem we all have to work together in order to survive right," I said, and she agreed with me on that. We talk about trading and gathering supplies and how I moved my group outside the city. While talking to her I got an idea. "hey, I know the power will stop working altogether but what if we use solar panels to create radio satiation or something to get in contact with each other no matter how far out we go, like this is happening down in San Diego why couldn't this be happening up north right," I said to her and she agrees but she said she didn't have the means to create something like that or know anyone in her settlement her knew how.

I don't know if I was right about the north being affected by this but I sure they were. Or they could be safe. Finding that answer could get me killed but I needed to know it. For right now Josh and I will spend the night and regroup with Julie tomorrow to ask about the safe spaces for people then head on home.

Right now, the sun was setting, and it was beautiful. My world may had gone to shit but at least I can still watch the sunset. Josh was by my side just watching with me. I don't know much about him but I sure he will open up o me. Its been three or four weeks since this all start. It only feels like yesterday I was eating my moms cooking and making fun of my brother while my dad laughs at us. I missed my family but I'm glad that they aren't here to live or see this. This was hell on earth and I will fight to live today and tomorrow so my girls and friends can live. But for now, I was staying with Katie and Vince and talk about surviving together. One thing at a time is how we need to live but soon I will make it better.