Wei Ying was waiting for his turn, he felt more nervous as the seconds passed.
"Number 25, Wei Wuxian. Please come in." said a lady walking out of the audition room
Wei Ying took a deep breath and followed the lady. When he walked into the room, he saw that there were 3 judges. They all looked intimidating to Wei Ying.
"Hi, my name is Wei Wuxian. I will be auditioning for the chance to sing Wuji for the drama "Unrestrained"."
"Okay, when you are ready, you can start," said one the judge
Wei Ying took another deep breath. One of the judges turned the music on.
"Wen di sheng du chou chang
yun shen ye wei yang
Some of the judges wrote some things on the paper that was in front of them. That made Wei Ying nervous, but he couldn't let that bother him.
shi yu fei dou guo wang
xing lai le
zen neng dang meng yi chang
hong chen zhong
hui yu de shi ru he qu liang
xiao xiao xue re dao feng liang
The judges seem to be enjoying Wei Ying singing. That made him feel very happy.
Shan gao shui yuan
you wen qin xiang
Chen qing wei jue
wo di hua yue ru shuang
You can hear the judges humming the song, they were smiling and some were even crying.
Zhu yi hu sheng si bei
huan ji shao nian lang
Ming yue yi jiu he lai chang wang
Bu ru xiao xiao sa sa
li bian feng he lang
Tian ya yi qu gong you yang
Everyone was silent, the judges stood up and started to start clapping.
"Thank you very much for letting us listen to such a nice voice. Please wait outside while we discuss who won."
"Thank you so much for this chance."
Wei Ying bowed and exited the room. Wei Ying felt extremely happy, he hopes that he gets the part.
Meanwhile, at Time Square, Lan Zhan was doing his thing. Being the good actor that he is, ended up finishing the scene in just one take.
"Lan Zhan~ you did great today." said his co-star Xue Yang
"Don't call me that, the only people I'm close with are allowed to call me that."
"What, we are already so close."
"Come on Lan Zhan," Xue Yang put his arm around Lan Zhan's shoulder.
Lan Zhan just wanted to go home and see his Wei Ying.
Back at the audition site, Wei Ying was still waiting. After waiting another 20 minutes, the judges came out of the room.
"Okay, we have come to a conclusion. The winner is Xiao Xingchen, congratulation."
There were many people clapping, but some were crying. That included Wei Ying, he was extremely disappointed.
How can he face Lan Zhan now? He told Lan Zhan that he will get the part.
"But there is also another winner, congratulation Wei Wuxian on being the second winner."
Huh, did he hear right, did the judges say that he won too. He didn't know what to say, he was feeling overwhelmed.
He felt a hand be placed on his shoulder, it was the guy called Xiao Xingchen. He had a smile on his face, it was a smile that can just make others feel uplifted.
"Congratulations Wei Wuxian," he said
Wei Ying wiped his tears and gave a nod. He wanted to tell Lan Zhan so badly.
"Thank you Xiao Xingchen."
"Okay, everybody else; sorry that you guys have not made it. Thank you for your time, please take your time when leaving the building."
Wei Ying felt bad for the people that where leaving, he could've been one of those people. But luck seemed to be on his side today.
"Okay, you two; please come with us."
Wei Ying and Xiao Xingchen followed the judges to the room that they were using for auditions.
"Congratulations to both of you for getting the part. The song as you may not have known is a duet. We felt that the two of you would make this song even more powerful and make the audience fall in love with the show through the song."
Wei Ying looked at Xiao Xingchen, he was going to have to sing with this kid. He hopes things go well, this song is very powerful.
"Thank you very much," said Xiao Xingchen
"The two of you will have to come here at most 2-3 days. Can you guys do that?"
Wei Ying had to think about it first.
"Yes," said Xiao Xingchen
Everyone looked at Wei Ying for his answer.
"Yes, I will make it."
"Thank you very much, let's get this show on the road."
Wei Ying and Xiao Xingchen left the room.
"Wei Wuxian, can I get your number?"
"Hm, okay."
Wei Ying gives Xiao Xingchen his number. They added each other to their contact.
"Okay, see you later Xiao Xingchen."
They went their separate ways, Wei Ying to the nearest Starbucks. He orders a vanilla caramel frappuccino.
He takes out his phone and texts Lan Zhan not wanting to bother him.
'Lan Zhan, I got the job. '- Wei Wuxian
Lan Zhan doesn't reply for 10 minutes.
'Congratulation.'- Lan Zhan
'So what's my prize?'- Wei Wuxian
'Wait to find out.'- Lan Zhan
'Hmmm, okay .'- Wei Ying
Wei Ying left Starbuck and started to head to Jiang Cheng's house. He wanted to check up on Jin Ling, he didn't want to miss out on his nephew growing up. Wei Ying had to take the train 5 stops to get to their house. When Wei Ying gets to the house he sees his sister working the lawn.
Jiang Yanli looked up and smiled when she saw her little brother standing in front of her.
"A-Xian, you finally come and visit. I'll get some soup ready for you. Jin Ling will be so happy to see you."
"Thanks, A-Jie."
They walked into the house, Jin Ling runs up to Wei Wuxian.
"Uncle, did you come to play with me?"
"Yes, A-ling. Oh my, how you've grown."
"I want Upsie."
Wei Ying gives Jin Ling a upsie, he carries him to the kitchen.
"A-Xian, come and drink some soup."
"Thanks, A-Jie, Jin Ling; it's time to come down."
"Nooo! I don't want to."
"But I need to eat."
"A-Ling, let uncle drink his soup," said Jiang Yanli
She picked up her son and sat down on a chair across from Wei Ying.
"So A-Xian, how is school?"
"It's going well, guess what."
"I won the singing audition."
"Really, that's so nice. Today we will have to celebrate."
"YES! Can I bring someone over?"
"Ooo, you have someone special now?"
"Shhh." Wei Ying said blushing
"Is it a girl, a guy?"
"It's okay if it's a guy, I'm sure no one will judge you."
"Thank you, sis."
Wei Ying drinks the soup, it tastes so good. Only his sister can make such good tasting soup.
"Where's Jin Zixuan?"
"Working, he says that he will be home by 7 pm."
"Oh okay, I'm going to text the person who I'm going to bring."
Wei Ying walks to the living room and takes out his phone, he starts texting Lan Zhan.
'Lan Zhan, want to celebrate with me and my family?'- Wei Ying
'Mmm, what time to meet?'- Lan Zhan
'You can come whenever you want.'- Wei Ying
'Hm, I'll be there in an hour.'- Lan Zhan
Wei Ying looked at the time on his phone, it was almost 4 pm.
"Damn time flies by so fast." thought Wei Ying
'Okay, see you in an hour honeybun.'- Wei Ying
'Mmm.'- Lan Zhan
"Omg, Lan Zhan is going to meet everyone. I know that Dad, Sis, and Jiang Cheng will accept Lan Zhan. But Jin Zixuan might not and Mom will definitely not accept him." thought Wei Ying
Wei Ying didn't have the time to think about all this nonsense. He had to get ready and remember to tell Jiang Cheng to hurry his little ass home. He could even bring Lan Huan for all he cared. Then he won't be the only one probably getting disowned.