After finish changing, Wei Ying got a call from Lan Zhan.

"I'm outside your school."



He nudged Nie Huaisang to tell him that he was leaving. The only response he got in return was a 'hm'. With that, he left the room and started to walk to the entrance of his school. When he went out, Wei Ying saw Lan Zhan's car. He walked over and got into the car.

"You didn't have to come over to see me."

"I wanted to."

Wei Ying felt touched.

"So, where are we going to be going?"

"Anywhere you want."

"Hm, okay."

Wei Ying started to think about where to go. This was like a date, so he wanted the place to be special.

"How about we go to the amusement park?"


Wei Ying searched up, the closest amusement park. They decided to go to Adventurers Amusement Park, it was all the way in Brooklyn.

"So, Lan Zhan; what have you been doing these past few days."

"Rehearsing and resting."

"Hm, that is good. You must be exhausted from filming. Oh, I'm almost done with the recording of "Wu Ji"."


"Xiao Xingchen is such a good singer. I guess in this industry, Xiao Xingchen would be a senior to me."


"Did you know, he is younger than me. He acts so maturely for his age. He is so pretty too, how does he keep his skin so smooth?"


"Why aren't you saying anything Lan Zhan?"


"Can it be that the Lan Wangji is jealous."


"Aw, don't worry Lan Zhan. You will always be the one that I like even if there is someone out there that is prettier than you, better an actor than you, and taller than you."

Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a quick peck on the cheek. Lan Zhan's ears started to grow a little red. Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying's hand, causing him to get closer to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan pressed his lips onto Wei Ying's. The kiss was rough but yet passionate.

When Lan Zhan let go, he had a serious face on.

"Don't talk about other men."

"Not even about Jiang Cheng."


"But he is my brother."

"Still no."

"Sigh, you're so mean."



"You are mine."

"Yes, yes."

When they got to the amusement park, there weren't that many people.

"What do you want to ride first Lan Zhan?"

"Anything you want."

"Hm, let's go on the roller coaster."


Wei Ying drags Lan Zhan over to the roller coaster. There were so many other people staring at them. They could hear girls saying 'omg, it's Lan Wangji!', 'Who is that guy next to him?'.

"Shouldn't you cover-up?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan


Lan Zhan put on a mask and a hat. He gave the audience a glare, and they all quickly turned away.

"Haha, the beautiful Lan Wangji can scare away people with just a glare."

"Hey, aren't you Lan Wangji?" said someone behind them

The boys turned around and saw someone who was also very famous.

"A-aren't you Zhang Yixing?" (Yes, it's Exo's Lay)

Wei Ying could tell that it was Zhang Yixing even though he was in disguise. Zhang Yixing turned to Wei Ying and give him a smile, he also raised his hand. Wei Ying took it and gave Zhang Yixing a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, ugh."

"Wei Wuxian."

"Nice to meet you Wei Wuxian."

"Don't talk to him." Lan Zhan said towards Zhang Yixing


"He's mine."

"Haha, okay. I'll keep my hands off him."

Wei Ying was happy, but he didn't like that Lan Zhan wouldn't let him talk to other men. It's not like everyone he talks to likes him or something.

"Lan Zhan, why do you need to always be jealous?"

"You are mine."

"Yes, I know that. But you can't just tell others to not talk to me."


Lan Zhan thought about it. All he wants is for Wei Ying to be happy.

"Fine, you can talk to whoever you want."

"Thank you."

Wei Ying was happy and went back to talking to Zhang Yixing.

"I can't believe that it's actually you. I've been your fan for so many years."

"It's always nice to meet another fan."

"C-can I take a picture with you."


Wei Ying took out his phone, and they took a picture.

"I'm going to keep this picture forever." thought Wei Ying

Wei Ying put his phone away and started to talk to Zhang Yixing again.

"Why are you here Zhang Yixing?"

"I'm here to have fun, I always like to have New York's hotdogs."


"Yixing, there you are."

"Hey, Luhan. Took you long enough to find me."

"Omg, it's Luhan. What are the chances to meet so many famous people?" Wei Ying thought

"Well if you didn't run around so much, I wouldn't need to go and find you. I told you to stay put while I go and buy the hotdogs that you wanted so much."

"Thank you, you are the best Hyung." (Hyung means brother in Korean.)

"That's right," Luhan said as a matter a factly

"Where are the other's Yixing?"

"I don't know."

"... You are so useless."

"That's why I have you Hyung."

Soon it was almost Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's turn to get into the roller coaster. Zhang Yixing and Luhan got into the seats behind them.

"You aren't scared of height are you, Lan Zhan?"


Soon, the roller coaster was filled and off they went. They went slow at first, they went through many loops and at last, they were at the slope. The slope was steep, Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan's hand and squeezed it.

"Are you scared?"


"It's okay, I am here."

Soon, the cart went down the slope. The couple could here Zhang Yixing screaming and hearing Luhan telling him to shut up, Wei Ying wasn't as scared as he thought he would be. Maybe it's because Lan Zhan was next to him.

When they got off the roller coaster, Zhang Yixing was in tears. (This is all just made up)

"Omg, stop crying. You look ugly when you are crying," said Luhan

"But, that was so scary."

"If you are scared, then why did you go on it in the first place."

"I wanted to try it out."

"Sigh, if you stop crying I'll buy you some more hotdogs."

At that, Zhang Yixing started to calm down. Zhang Yixing turned to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.

"Did you guys like the ride?"

"Yeah, it was actually fun going down the slope."

Nothing was said by Lan Zhan. He just kept on glaring at Zhang Yixing.

"So, what are you guys going to do next?"

"Hm, what do you want to ride next Lan Zhan?"

"Anything you like."



Wei Ying sighed, Lan Zhan never decides on what to do. He was the one who chose to go to the amusement park, he was the one who chose the first ride, and now he was being told to choose what to do next.

Wei Ying wasn't too happy with just making Lan Zhan do the things that he wanted to do. He will try to make Lan Zhan do what he wants to do next. But, Lan Zhan is stubborn; he will definitely try to stop him.