After Wei Ying left Lan Xichen at the school. He received a call, it was from his uncle.

"Hello, Uncle."

"Xichen, come home. I have something important to tell you and your brother." (What could it possibly be?)

"Okay, I will text Wangji and tell him to come home tonight."

"Okay, tell him to come at 8 pm."

"Okay, Uncle."

Lan Xichen hung up the phone and texted his brother. After 10 minutes of not replying Lan Xichen decided to not mind it.

He decided to go home and do some of the work that he had left at school. He drives home and takes a quick shower, he later takes out the work and starts on them. After 2 hours he receives a text from Jiang Cheng, receiving the text made Xichen happy.

"Hey, I want to see you." -Jiang Cheng

"We just saw each other 2 days ago." - Xichen

"I want to see you today."-Jiang Cheng

"Okay, I'm going to send you my house address." - Xichen

"Okay."- Jiang Cheng

An hour and thirty minutes pass by before Lan Xichen heard the doorbell ring. He hurried to open the door, to see Jiang Cheng looking kinda awkward. But that awkwardness made Xichen think he looks cuter.

"Come in,"

"Thanks for having me,"

"So, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know, I didn't really think much about it."

"Haha, I'm just doing some work. Let's go somewhere when I'm done with my work."

"Hm, sure."

Lan Xichen decided to take his work out of his room and into the living room. Jiang Cheng took a look around Lan Xichen's house. It wasn't the first time that he was here, but it was the first time that he was taking a close look at Xichen's house.

"Wow, Lan Huan, your house is pretty big. Do you live here by yourself?"

"It's not that big, it's big enough to live one person."

"It's big for me,"

Jiang Cheng walked over to the piano that was near the back of living. It was very clean but didn't seem to have been used for a long time.

"You play the piano?"

"I use to, haven't really had time to play lately?"

"Can I play with your piano?"

Lan Xichen looked up at Jiang Cheng with a smile.

"Whatever is here is yours to use."

Jiang Cheng blushed.

"Thank you,"

Jiang lifted the cover of the grand piano and pulled out the seat for the piano.

"Do you have any song recommendation?"

"Play whatever you want."

Jiang Cheng didn't know what to play, he decided to just play the song that he has to play for his concert. Luckily he had the piano sheets in his bag, he took the sheets out and placed it on the stand. He started to play the song, it was a slow song. Jiang Cheng kept on messing up in the same area of the song.

"Ugh, why do I keep messing up. The performance is in less than a couple of weeks."

"What's wrong Jiang Cheng, are you having trouble playing a part."

"Yeah, do you know anything about playing the "Moonlight Sonata"?"

"Hm, let me see."

Lan Xichen walked over to Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng shifted a bit so that Lan Huan can sit down. They were sitting so close, Jiang Cheng can feel the heat rising to his cheeks.

"Okay, let me try. I haven't played the piano is so long. It has been like 5 years since I last played the piano."

After just one mistake, Lan Xichen had the hang of the song.

"Wow, Lan Huan; you are so good at playing the piano."

"I'm not that good."

"Yes, yes you are."

Xichen leaned un and gave Jiang Cheng a kiss.

"You are the best," said Xichen

Jiang Cheng looks down, trying to hide his blush.

"Sigh, why does he have to look so cute embarrassed?" thought Xichen

"Jiang Cheng, do you want to go outside; and take a walk?"

"Are you okay with that, I'll go if you want to go."

"Okay, let me get my coat. I want to take you somewhere."

Xichen went into his room to get his coat, leaving Jiang Cheng to his thought.

"Where does he want to take me?" mumbled Jiang Cheng

Soon, Xichen came out with his jacket on.

"Jiang Cheng, let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"You see when we get there."

"It's a good thing that today is a Saturday." (the days and time in this story are all over the place. >w<)

"Why is it good that it's Saturday, Lan Huan?"

"Cause the place that I'm taking you is going to be more open."


They walked out of the house and walked to Xichen's car. Jiang Cheng sat in the front with Xichen, he was so nervous. Xichen turned on some music, it was a good song. It made Jiang Cheng feel relax, seeing this; Xichen used Shazam to find out what the song was. It was called, "Don't Worry, My Dear" by Do Kyungsoo. (Somehow there are Korean songs on the radio)

"This is such a soothing song," said Xichen

"It actually is, I'm not into Korean songs. But from time to time, there would always be songs that interest me."

The whole ride to wherever the destination was, they listened to music the whole way there.

Soon enough, they make it to the place that Xichen wanted to take Jiang Cheng. It was the High Line Walkway. By the time they got there, it was already 4 pm, the sun was going to set at 6 pm.

"Why did you take me here?"

"I wanted to watch the sunset with you."

"But it's only 4, what are we going to do for 2 hours?"

"We can walk the trail."

"But aren't you afraid of other people see us together?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Xichen with a dumbfounded look.

"Is he seriously asking that?" thought Jiang Cheng

"There will be people looking at us."


"They will say things about you."

"So, they can stare for all they want. I don't care about what other people say, as long as I'm with you; I'm happy."

Lan Xichen grabs ahold of Jiang Cheng's hand and starts to walk them to the entrance of the walkway. They walked the trail hand in hand, from time to time stopping to take some pictures. Soon, they got hungry, so they went to a close Japanese restaurant.

"What do you want to eat, Jiang Cheng?" Xichen asking with the menu in hand

"I want some sashimi, some rolls, and a Kani salad."

"Wow, a big order."

Jiang Cheng blushes.

"Does he think I eat a lot?" Thought Jiang Cheng

"Okay, let me call the waiter."

The waiter comes, and Xichen tells him the order. After taking the order, the waiter bows and leaves.

"Is it too much food?" asked Jiang Cheng

"Nah, it's good."

While waiting for the food to come, the couple made simple small talk.

"Are you ready to graduate soon?"

"Don't remind me."

"Are you scared?"

"A little, how would I know if I will be able to make it as a pianist?"

"When any person is doing a job, there is always doubt if one would be able to do it well. Even I went through something like that."

"You have?"

"Of course, I was once a student too."

"I know that, how did you know that you were going to succeed as a teacher?"

"I didn't, I just made sure that no one out there would be able to reject me."

"All you need is confidence, Jiang Cheng."

"Confidence... that is something that I lack. Something that I always envied about Wei Wuxian. No matter where he goes, he can always make others take him seriously. Even when he is goofing off, people still watch him."

Xichen patted Jiang Cheng's shoulder, this allowed Jiang Cheng to relax a bit.

"It's okay when the time comes; I will be here to help you."

The waiter came with some of their food, first came the Kani salad and some California rolls. Lan Huan took some pictures of the food and taking some sneak pictures of Jiang Cheng.

"Oh, this is pretty good," said Jiang Cheng

"Yeah, it is."

Soon enough, the rest of their food came. Everything tasted pretty good, when they finished eating Lan Huan got up to go pay the bill, but Jiang Cheng stopped him.

"Wait, let me pay for it."

"It's fine."

"But you're the one who brought me here."

"You can pay on our next date, how about that."


With that, Xichen went to pay for the bill. After paying the bill, it was already 5:30 pm. The sun was about to set in half an hour, so they started to walk back to the High Line Walkway. The walk was silent, both enjoying the presence of each other. When they got back to the High Line, the sun had already started to set, so they walked to the place that the couple would possibly have the best view of the sunset.

"Wow, the sunset is nice."

"It is, I haven't come to see the sunset here since me and Wangji have been children."

"You must be very close to your brother."

"You can say that our parents died when Wangji was 10."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Jiang Cheng internally facepalmed himself.

"It's okay, it's been a long time since then."

"Wangji was so close to our mother, but due to reasons; we weren't always allowed to meet her."


The sun was almost all the way down, the sky was so red. Jiang Cheng turned to Xichen who was looking right back at him.

Xichen leaned over and gave Jiang Cheng a kiss on the cheek. Jiang Cheng was taken aback by this action. But Jiang Cheng leaned up to Xichen and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"We should do this again someday," said Xichen


Xichen felt his phone vibrate, he took it out; it was a reply from Wangji.

"Okay"- Wangji