Lan Zhan woke up that morning feeling tired, but he knew he couldn't let that affect his work. He did his basic morning routine after he was finished; he drove to work to meet his manager.

"Wangji, you are here."


"Are you okay? You look tired."

"I'm fine."

"Okay, well today we will be going to the mountains to shot some of the scenes."


When they got to the mountain where they were going to shot, Lan Zhan bowed his head to every staff member. All the staff members said their hellos, with that; Lan Zhan went to the dressing room. He changed into the outfit that was in his room. After he finished changing, he went to the makeup room.

Sitting in the room was Xue Yang, Song Lan, Nie Mingjue, and many other people. Xue Yang jumps up and walks towards Wangji.


"Quiet." Said Wangji paying no mind to Xue Yang

"Haha, don't be like that; aren't we already close."

"No, never."

Xue Yang looked at Wangji, he enjoyed teasing him; but he knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong Wangji?"


"Come on, tell me."


Wangji was starting to lose his temper, but he couldn't let it show.

"What should I do?" thought Wangji

"He does have the right to know, but I don't want him to worry."

"Wangji, we are going to start filming."


After finish shooting the scene, he noticed that his phone had a miss call. It was Wei Ying, he felt bad that he didn't reply to him in the morning. So he texted him:

"Hello."- Wangji

"Hey, are you okay?"- Wei Ying

"Mmm."- Lan Zhan

"Oh, that's good,"- Wei Ying

"Are you busy right now?"- Wei Ying

"No,"- Lan Zhan

"Can I come to see you tonight?"- Wei Ying

"Can't,"- Lan Zhan

"Why,"- Wei Ying

"I'm not in the city,"- Lan Zhan

"Oh,"- Wei Ying

"I'm filming,"- Lan Zhan

"Oh, okay; sorry to disturb you."- Wei Ying

"It's okay,"- Lan Zhan

"See you soon,"- Wei Ying

"Mmm,"- Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan put down his phone, he felt guilty for not telling Wei Ying about what is going on between him and his uncle.

"It's for his own good." thought Lan Zhan

"He is already stressed, with his own family issues."

"Wangji, we gonna start again."


Meanwhile, at school; Wei Ying just couldn't pay attention to the rest of the classes. Although that wasn't anything unusual for him.

"Lan Zhan is hiding something from me." thought Wei Ying

"WEI WUXIAN, if you are going to be staring off to space in my class; you can just go and stand outside," said Professor Zhang

Wei Ying just stands up and walks outside, the professor looked at him dumbfounded.

"There is something wrong." thought Professor Zhang

The professor told the class to continue reading the chapter that they were reading while he walks out to talk to Wei Ying.

"Mr. Wei, is something wrong?"

Wei Ying put on his usual smile.

"There is nothing wrong Professor Zhang."

"Are you sure?"


Professor Zhang didn't look convinced, but he wasn't going to force his student to tell him something the other didn't want to tell.

Out of the corner of his eye, Wei Ying sees Lan Xichen.

"Professor Zhang, I really need to talk to Professor Lan. Can I go and talk to him?"

"Um... okay."

Professor Zhang watches Wei Ying run towards Xichen.

"What does he need with Xichen?" thought Professor Zhang before going back to class

"Professor Lan, hold up," said Wei Ying

Lan Xichen turns towards Wei Ying.

"Mr. Wei, shouldn't you be in class?"

"I have something to ask you."

Lan Xichen could guess what the latter wanted to ask him.

"Let's go to my office."
