Tight Security...

Chapter 23

Title: Tight Security...


Alex just looks at the Vampire as it tries to bash against his crimson mana shield. He sees that the Vampire is using Blood Ki, so he must be a Warrior at Rank 2. 

Alex smiles as he sees the vampire attack relentlessly and cracks appear around his crimson barrier. 

He then points his wand at the vampire. 

A magic circle appears in front of him and it shoots out dozens of blood crystal-like spikes. 

Pew! Pew! Pew!...

They pierce the vampire due to the close range. Blood of the vampire flies off like a fountain.

Alex smiles at this slightly as he sees that some drool is leaking off the vampire's mouth.

"You must be a stray vampire?" Questions Alex as he prepares some simple fireball spells. Who knows what could be observing him right now, so even though he demonstrated a Blood Spell, he will now start using different elemental spells so people don't suspect anything. 'Keeping one's Class hidden is one of the best strategies when fighting. Knowing someone's class you can take countermeasures against them and build up your terrain in case of a fight.'


The vampire doesn't seem to listen as it attacks Alex once again. 

Five fireballs are created simultaneously from a crimson magic circle and they go towards the vampire. But the vampire dodges the attacks and goes directly for Alex… but sadly before he can do so. The blood that he had spilled before turned into a highly sticky substance as it restricts the vampire.

'When fighting a vampire. The best situation is to restrict him.' Recalls Alex, he just looks at the vampire as it growls at him. 'A stray vampire, this makes it unlikely for it to be associated with Camilla. No vampire under her would ever allow something like this. She doesn't like rabid animals. I know that much at least.'

There are two ways to turn into a vampire, one is being turned by another vampire and the other is through a ritual. The former is good, but you will always be under the will of the one who turned you. But, by using a ritual one can also be detrimental as one wrong move and it turns someone into a rabid vampire. One with almost no logical thoughts that he can comprehend and he will actually die off in contact with the sun… he will just turn to ash pretty much.

The street around them is dark and Alex just used the fireballs to not only lure the vampire into a trap but to also notify the guards. 

'Why is no one here yet?' Wonders Alex, his mind already working up a hundred possibilities, but instantly dismissing almost all of them. 'Hmmm…  I am being watched and they most likely want to know what Class I am.'

Alex still can't figure out who exactly it might be after this. Though he has a bunch of candidates who from what Alex remembers still live in Gungai City at this time.

In the end, Alex just frowns at this slightly and contemplates. 'Well, anyway, the vampire is useless now.'

Alex has a cold look on his face as he starts burning the vampire who lets out a loud scream.

Alex immediately runs away as he doesn't want to get captured. Though the vampire was easily defeated by him. It's because he has such extensive knowledge about the creature. He made the mistake of becoming a vampire too early during his gameplay so he knows the stats of a vampire, like the back of his hand.

He just runs along the roads in the darkness, having his cloak hood pulled down to cover his face. His brain is moving at monstrous speed as in less than a second he figures out what to do. 'I can't go to the tight alleys or traverse the sewers, even though that would be the easiest way. In those closed up and tight places, I would be at a disadvantage against any opponent.'

Alex knows just how much of an influence in a battle the terrain has. For example, if that fight against the rabid vampire was in an enclosed space. He wouldn't be getting out of that fight without a scratch. 

'The logical conclusion would be that the person who is most likely observing me should have guessed that my class is a blood mage. Even though I tried to make it seem like a fire mage.' Concludes Alex as he slows down his pace as he gets close to the Merchant Guild. As he walks along he sees a group of guards out of the corner of his eyes.   

"Hey, you there!" Calls out one of the guards from the group. This time they all had their swords drawn already and imbued with Ki. Alex couldn't help but internally complain about his luck. 'Maybe I should have taken Lily with me, that would have helped me in a situation like this tremendously. Though she would also be dead weight at the same time.'

So Alex in the end stops and turns towards the guards. "How can I help you, gentlemen?"

When the guards heard Alex's childish voice they were surprised for a split second but they got over it quickly and the guard with the most Ki imbued on his sword, who Alex assumes to be the captain of this squad.

"Due to a recent event, I would like you to ask you if you have seen anything about it tonight?" Asks the guard captain as he closes his eyes and concentrates his hearing to listen to Alex's heartbeat and see if he will be lying. They didn't elaborate on any events, they were trying to catch Alex on any irregular behavior.

"No, I didn't see anything of the sort." Says Alex, and his heart rate is normal for the situation and he seems to be telling the truth. That is the conclusion the guard squad leader came to in the end. 

"Thank you anyways. Take care and go home safely. If you see anything even slightly suspicious then just scream out loudly. We will be there before you can even blink." Rasures the guard captain. He normally would offer one of the guards to escort the kid, but someone with the ability to kill a Rank 2 Vampire is running around. The guards would just die if they met something like a vampire, that is why they are staying in groups. That way, even if a vampire is naturally stronger than a human, they can still easily take care of it due to their numbers.


As the guards continue the patrol Alex walks towards the Merchant Guild, he is bothered four more timeless by some other patrolling guard squads. But he was able to arrive at the Merchants' Guild safely and without the guards getting too nosy about this. He did show them the ratman's head, but the guards don't exactly care about any demihumans. Killing demihumans isn't even necessarily that illegal. But obviously, it's against the laws and when killing one you will have to pay a fine. Though one has to be careful because races like dwarves are 'allies' of the human race and good craftsmen who bring actual value so killing them will get you a couple of months or even years in some places. But this isn't just humans, as killing a human in the Elf Forest isn't technically illegal in there… at least in the eyes of the elf race that is.

As Alex walks towards the branch manager's office his mind also wanders to another place. 'I think I know now who was the one to incite this attack. The vampire was made by a ritual, so the involvement of someone like Camilla is very unlikely. She also doesn't need to hide her actions like this. But since the vampire was created by a ritual then that means that a mage is most likely after me… one who is above Rank 3… and I am pretty sure I know who that is…'

