Chapter 37

Chapter 37


There were not too many changes in Alex's stats except the new perk.

Fast Reader

[You need only one glance to read a page and understand its contents.]

Alex is… slightly impressed at the Perk. At least it wasn't something unlucky, but it is not that good either. At best this spell can shorten the time it will take him to learn spells. Luck is a hidden stat in the gamer interface and can't be read by it.

Alex knows best the limitations of the system. One of them is that it can't read such things as luck, or fate. He also knows that he must be careful with the game interface usage as some people can detect it. The game interface isn't anything too special to Alex, it is just a means to an end. Even without it, he would be able to grow stronger just by using his future knowledge, but the interface is a huge boon also, he will never deny that. 

'One day… I must figure out how the system works.' Contemplates Alex. 'Something doesn't come out of nothing. It has to have a logical solution somewhere.'

Alex isn't naive enough to think that the interface just appeared out of nowhere. Of course, he knows that the likely scenario is due to the physical and spiritual fusion. Something that can be done at the time of death, a special thing that can be done in this world and he did die once he was in his game capsule, so the system was created with him as his soul 'sacrificed' itself to fuse with the system.

Alex isn't an alchemist, but he knows some things and how equal exchange works in this world.

He shakes his head at this, he only needs to become stronger and discover the truth. After all, every mage chases after the T.R.U.T.H well the truth that most mages chase is to discover the mystery of the world. It is said that once someone discovers it then he can be called The God… not just some god of silk, water, or whatever… they will be The God. 

Of course, these are all folklore, as mages are more like scientists. Searching for that perfection that they want… but also dread at the same time. Because of them, being perfect means that they can no longer improve. That will feel like a fate worse than death to any mage.

Alex sighs at this, since his rise in intelligence, his mind wonders about things like this and forms countless theories. He can't help it, and he doesn't try to stop his mind from thinking and planning. He likes it like this, thinking of possibilities and plans that he couldn't even dream of.

Anyway, he opens up his status page and levels up his Blood Mage class from level 5 to 10… to the max and he reaches peak Rank 3. While at the same time, he can no longer level up the Main Class. 

But Alex has a smile on his face, a Blood Mage Class is good now. But it will become amazing in the future. 

Of course, this would be noticeable by strong people, even if he hides it with different techniques. And when he talks about strong people, he means those at Legend Rank… those monsters would be able to see right through him. But Alex also knows the too well… they still won't kill him as long as he keeps to himself and doesn't try to trick them or display any animosity. They will just try to use him in that case. 

Strong people don't kill those with potential, monsters who have lived hundreds of years wouldn't mind if Alex advances so fast. They will even help him if they can… mostly to use him later on. But they still wouldn't mind his speed of advancement, they are logical creatures, they understand that someone doesn't come out of nowhere. There must be a reason for everything. 

Alex's plan is also to play this dangerous game with the Headmistress. He knows that from the game, she wanted to go beyond the Legendary Realm… she would do anything to get that power. Even if Alex had to be the first one to break through the Legendary Rank and go past it, she would just observe and try to replicate the process. Things like envy so bad that she will want to kill him are stupid in her eyes. Why would she do that? It would have no benefits. 

Alex wouldn't take the risk and play this little game of his with the Headmistress if it was any other Legendary Rank. But he knows her best, he knows how she will act, he knows what she likes and even her favorite books that she reads. His knowledge of her as an NPC is enormous, every player had their NPC that they liked to communicate with. Some players had the heroes, and some had the villains. Some players who were playing the game for fun used to just go fishing with a villager NPC and even developed real relationships with them due to the advanced AI technology.

Alex decides to spend one Potential Point to learn the Blood-Horse Teleportation Spell. This is a blood class spell in which the user sacrifices a horse and by doing so he can teleport with the max range of which the horse could have run if it starved and exhausted itself to death.

This was a useful spell to him… and it was also the most complicated Rank 3 Spell that he knew of. The time it would take to learn it by studying would be tremendous to him.

This causes Alex to sigh in regret, he has become a little stingy with his Potential Points. But like money, they are also meant to be used. Because just holding on to them isn't gonna be useful for anything.

Alex then puts the five points into Intelligence, bringing it up to 25… and immediately he sees things that he has never seen before. After 20 the stat officially becomes a Legendary Stat…

Alex's eyes seem cloudy for a split second as he sits down on the toilet (with his pants up). Sweat appears on his forehead as a slight headache overwhelms him. But it disappears as soon as it came.

[Ding! New Perk: Photographic Memory, has been achieved due to getting intelligence higher than 20]

Alex smiles at this, countless memories go through his head. Mostly being memories of playing the game. His mind runs through them at top speed and he finds somethings that were simply 'not cool' enough for him to remember previously and even small details to some quests.

"Alex, someone is here to meet you again." Calls out Lily, making Alex get out of his daydreaming. 

"Hm?" Alex gets up and goes out of the bathroom. Once he arrives outside he goes towards the front door and he frowns, seeing Ain once more with a happy look on her face.

"Yo!, Alex, you have to go and have your Hero Consultation." Says Ain with a huge smile on her face as she will be getting rewarded for saving and finding talent like Alex.

Alex smiles confidently… he knows that the one most likely to conduct the interview will be the Headmistress herself.
