Chapter 15

Liz's P.O.V

I woke up in the same position that I slept in for the last six weeks, and I started to cry. That is until I felt movement under my arm and was brought back to reality.

I was home

Aili was alive

I was alive

I knew the pain in my chest wasn't going to disappear for a while. But it was something I was getting used to. The doctors said I couldn't do much so I wouldn't strain my heart since it's injured and I was still weak from the amount of blood that I lost. I was just glad that not only was I alive, but so was my soulmate.

A knock on the door took me from my thoughts as I looked to see it was closed; I covered both Aili and me with blankets before saying, "Come in."

Sam walked in hesitantly, "Hey Liz," she said, sounding a little nervous.

"Hey Sam," I began, "what's up?"

"Is Aili here," she asked.

"Yeah, but she's still sleeping. All that crying probably wore her out," I said, and she nodded.

"Well," she began, "what I want to say is that I'm sorry for putting your life on the line and that it won't happen again."

I smiled, "It's fine," I began, "We all make mistakes, and besides, you can't be there to protect us all of the time."

Sam bit her lip, "Well," she began, "I won't be anymore," Sam said, and I knit my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why not," I asked her, and she sighed.

"The gods have deemed me unworthy to protect you two since you got hurt," she said in a string of words that I barely understood.

I sat there gaping like a fish before saying something, "That's bull," I said, and she arched an eyebrow. "Aili told me what kept you from coming right away. They shouldn't punish you when they were the ones keeping you when I was texting you about wanting to have a normal day with each other. Everyone makes mistakes, and you shouldn't be taken away from us just because you were too late this one time."

"Well, our religion is under the impression that if you make one mistake, then you're out," she said as I gritted my teeth.

"Then that's something they should change," I began with a growl that made Sam shrink back. "In this age, people make mistakes, and the world is a lot more dangerous than what they're used to. If they fully expect you to protect us, then they shouldn't berate you for you doing your job. I understand why it would be one mistake, and you're out mainly because you only had one shot in protecting someone back then. But now is not the time for a one-strike system. These times, it's usually three or maybe ten, but if it is life-threatening, I would say three. They should've waited until you finished talking to one of the soulmates before resuming," I finished with one last growl causing her to flinch. "If you're supposed to be watching us and protecting us, there shouldn't be anyone to distract you from your job. Your job is a twenty-four-seven. They should not pull you out because of one mistake that they were the cause of. If they don't want us to get hurt during a meeting, then they could either freeze time or bring us up there so you can report," I said, and she smiled a little. I was about to say one more thing, but some movement on my chest stopped me. I looked down to see the amber eyes of my soulmate looking at me tiredly. "I'm sorry if I woke you up," I said, and she smiled softly, then I looked back up at Sam. "From what I'm getting is that I can't change their minds on this matter," I asked her, and she nodded with a sad look in her eyes. "Then I shall wish you well, and please don't be a stranger," I added with a sad smile, and she nodded before vanishing. I rested my head on the headboard, "That isn't exactly something I was expecting," I said as I felt circles being drawn on my stomach.

"What was that all about," Aili asked me as I closed my eyes to calm down, "I didn't catch all of it."

I sighed, "The gods deem her unfit to protect us because she failed to protect you and me with that intruder," I explained, and the circle drawing stopped

. "That's fucked up," she said, and I nodded, "they were the ones who were distracting her by berating her for her phone usage when she was only talking to you. What the hell was she supposed to do? Just disappear in the middle of a meeting just because we're in danger?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. It appears so," I said as I stroked my hand through Aili's hair. "But there's nothing much that we can do other than respect their decision and see who we have as our new protector."

Tiredly, Aili nodded and placed her head back onto my stomach as she resumed drawing circles over my belly button. "I just hope that this one is as good as she was," she muttered as I stifled giggles and moans.

I sighed once more, "Me too," I said as I felt her sigh

"When can I fuck you again," she asked, and I smiled right before I chuckled

"Halfway through the next month," I said with a smile, "I can start rigorous activities at that point," I explained, and she smiled

"Can we still have make-out sessions," she asked with a pout, and I laughed

"Yes, we can cuddle and kiss, but most of my time should be spent up here," I replied, and she grinned

"With the quarantine still going on, that means that I have time to cuddle and kiss you more," she said, and I grinned

"That you do," I said with that same smile, "would you like to get some clothes on before Tracy comes in to see you butt naked?"

After I asked that, she thought for a minute before shaking her head, "No, I would like to stick with the sheets and your body," she said. "Would you like a shirt," she asked me, and I shook my head, "why not?"

"My boobs are covered, and I changed in a dressing room with Tracy, and that's with us being half-dressed," I answered. "I'm guessing you just don't want to get up yet," I said, and she blushed a little

"No, I don't. I missed you so much that you kind of feel like a magnet to me," Aili admitted, and I smiled.

"It's fine," I said, "I appreciate it because I was missing you so much that I would start crying on instinct since you weren't there."

She smiled at me before placing her head back onto my stomach to draw more circles.

Tracy did come that morning. I told her that I was pretty sure that Aili would stay with me as much as she could. I explained that I couldn't do much to thank her due to the injuries I got, and she nodded. I also told her about how Sam had to leave, and Tracy had the same reaction that Aili and I did towards that. Soon enough, Aili and I had breakfast in bed thanks to Tracy before she finished cleaning up the house. The weeks flew by as the quarantine ended and Aili had to go to work. We helped Tracy find her soulmate. When that time came, she spent as much time as she could with her. All too soon, I found myself back at my laptop, looking at the campus website for housing.