floor 05

LEILA didn't even think twice and immediately closed the elevator door so that her friends won't stop her from doing the thing that can probably haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Not that she believes or not. But deep inside, she WANTED it to be real. She didn't care if it's dangerous or not.

You can say she's crazy but there's something that keeps pushing her to do the game.

3:00 am, is the time indicated in her watch. They say it was the devil's hour, but Leila didn't even get the slightest care about it.

Meanwhile, Rheanne, Max, Tanner, and June panicked. Even though they knew this game can't be possibly real, they felt nervous. Nervous for their friend. It's like they felt something bad will happen.

No, that's impossible. It's not real.

Tanner immediately got his phone and calls Leila, in which Leila accepted. He then put it on the loudspeaker.

It was Rheanne who first spoke, "What the heck are you doing Leila?!"

["Playing the game."] Leila answers calmly from the other line.

"Are you insane? What if the game becomes real when you do it?"

["If it didn't work on Tanner then it won't probably work on me, right? Don't worry about me I'm fine."]

They all ended up giving up on trying to stop Leila.

"Okay, but stay on the line with us," Max told her and Leila just hummed as a response.

["So after the fourth floor, I'll go to the second floor, right?"]

"Yes," Rheanne answers, still unsure why she's giving instructions herself when she has the choice not to.

The elevator indeed gets to the second floor, then to the sixth floor, then the second floor, tenth floor, then finally the moment they have been dreading for; the fifth floor.

They all waited in silence for Leila's next response.


As Rheanne called out for her, that's when they heard a woman's voice.

And it was definitely not Leila's.

["Hey there. Something happened in my apartment and I need help."]

It made all of their eyes widen in shock as they continue to listen and stare at the floor the elevator is at.

Then as if a nightmare had gone real, the elevator went up to the tenth floor. And that only means one thing,

Leila had successfully entered the game.

"Leila. What's going on?" Tanner called out, already panicking.

"Leila. Press the first-floor button!" Rheanne cried out.

["Guys, I can't.."] Leila answers in a whisper.

["Miss! I said I need help in my apartment!!"] The Mysterious Woman bursts out. Anger evident in her voice as the elevator continues going up in very slow motion.

["You know what?! Just shut the f*ck up! Just shut up!"] It made all of them frozen. They know that they heard it right. Leila just spoke to the woman.

But panic is an underestimate when they suddenly heard Leila's cries.

["W-what the f*ck?! S-stay aw-away from me!! Stay awa—"]

The exact moment the elevator had reached the 10th floor, was the time when the line went off.


"Oh Gosh! Jesus Christ help!"

"Tanner call her again! Please!!"

"She's not answering the stupid damn phone!"


All of them are in chaos and no one knew what to do. All of them are panicking and Max barely even held the camera because of his shaking hands.

Meanwhile, June knew he needs to do something. It's a stupid idea, but he can't just take the fact that he's staying there not doing anything.

He then presses the elevator button to go up and the elevator went down, back to its normal pace.

Once the elevator had set to the ground floor and opened, June immediately got in and it caught Max, Rheanne, and Tanner's attention.

"Yah? What are you doing?" Max asks.

June didn't even hear his friend's question because he was more focused on the fact that the tenth floor and first-floor buttons had blood.

"Sh*t! I need to follow her." June declares and it immediately made the three of them shake heads.

"No man, there has to be another way." Tanner disagrees but June was a stubborn one as well and immediately close the elevator door.

He is now heading up to the fourth floor.