Chapter 3

Still Y/N POV

As I go to get out of the bed I notice that someone is beside me. Did I hookup with someone last night? Let's not jumb to conclusions yet. I lift up the blanket and notice I'm completely naked. Ok now we can jump to conclusions. I start looking for my clothes and end up looking foe them on the other side of the room by the bed where the man was but when I saw who the man was I was shocked. JEON JUNGKOOK?! WTF?! There's no way! This shit only happens in fan fictions! But sure enough the memories of last night come rushing back from last night. I got drunk as fuck, I danced for hours, at some point jungkook came up to me and then... we started grinding?!  Ok I've got to be dreaming right? I pinch myself but I only cause myself a tiny bit of pain and the memories continue to flood my head. How desperate we were to reach his hotel room, how we ripped each other's clothes off, and how his hands explored every inch of my body. And then it hit me if I went clubbing last night that means Noah really cheated on me. I quickly put on my clothes and carefully walked out the door carefully  hoping no one would see me. NO ONE would find out about this! If they did people would call me things like slut and whore and Jungkook's reputation would be damaged. I was not ready for him to be criticised all over the internet and I for sure didn't want army's comming after me. I was apart of the fandom so I knew how protective army was and I didn't want to get on their bad side. While walking the streets of New York I checked my phone and as expected I had tons of missed calls and messages from Myla, Kiki, and even my mom who must have been called by a worried Myla and Kiki. I decided to call my mom first since I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't and she's already scared enough that I'm far away from home for college. I dial my mom's number and she picks up after the first ring.

Y/M: Y/N!

Y/n: Hi mom

Y/M:(worriedly) Y/n where the hell have you been Myla and Kiki called me saying you guys went out last night and after a few hours you were dancing with some guy and then you went missing?!

Y/n: I'm fine mom I just got to drunk and ended going home with him (i said whispering the last few parts)

Y/M:You went home with him?! Y/N Your supposed to be in New York to get your degree! And what about Noah huh?! Are you just gonna cheat on him?!

Y/n: I'm guessing Kiki and Myla forgot to tell you the part where he cheated on me?


Y/n: Yeah I went to surprise him and caught him screwing his assistant on his desk

Y/M: I'll kill him!

Y/n: No mom it's fine I slapped the hell out of both of them and then I went to the club with Kiki and Myla to forget what happened. I just lost control.

Y/M: It's okay sweetie how are you feeling? If I knew what happened I wouldn't have over reacted that way.

Y/n:  I'm still a little hurt but I'll be okay I'm a big girl

Y/M: Okay sweetie I have to go hang in there and call Kiki and Myla so that they know you are alive will ya

Y/n: ok mom I love you

Y/M: I love you too. Bye

Y/n: bye

We hang up and then I dial Kiki and Myla in our group chat

Myla and Kiki: Hello Y/n?!

Y/n: Yeah it's me I'm alive

Kiki: Oh thank god!

Myla: We were so worried one minute you were dancing with that guy and we turned our heads for 5 seconds and you were gone!

Y/n: I'm fine I just ended up having a one night stand with him that's all

Myla: You? Had a one night stand?

Kiki: Haha well that's one way to forget Noah

Y/n: Yeah you could say that. I'm heading home now so I'll call you guys later okay?

Myla and Kiki: ok we love you

Y/n: I love you guys too. Bye.

Myla and Kiki: Bye

I went home took a long hot shower brushed my teeth and went back to bed since I was hung over I didn't have much to do and it was only noon.