Author's note

I would like to thank everyone who's read my story so far! I really love writing and I try to do my best work and put my all into even tho I sometimes doubt myself and wonder if I'll ever make it in the writing world. Even tho my number of reads is small I appreciate every 1 I get. I hope that this story has entertained you or made you smile in some way. I'm going to try my best to upload when school starts so please just bear with me. I don't know how many episodes this will have but I hope to have at least 20 but I may end up with more with all the plans I have for it. If you've liked it comment and/or like to let me know and if you find any mistakes or errors also comment to let me know. I wish you all a safe and happy rest of the summer I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. With much love.    - Savvy