Chapter 22

Jungkook POV

*The next day*

I wake up and pull y/n into my arms and hug her

Y/n: mmmm....Good morning!

Jk: Good morning!*holds her tighter* Thank you for yesterday!

Y/n: Your welcome!

Jk: Can we just stay like this for a little while before the chaos of the day starts?

Y/n: Mhm...

me and y/n stay like this for 5 minute just enjoying each other's presence until my phone rings

Jk: UGH! Who wants to ruin my day!


I look at my phone and see it's Hoseok

Jk: Sorry doll I have take this *kisses her forhead*

Y/n: Okay

I go out onto the balcony so y/n can't hear me

Jk: Hello?

Hoseok: Are you awake?

Jk: Yeah?

Hoseok: Good! Me and the other's are going to help you plan the perfect proposal for y/n!

Jk: NOW?!

Hoseok: Well would you prefer it be next year?

Jk: Well no but-

Hoseok: Good then get dressed and come to the studio! I'm going to call y/n and spend the day with her to find out what she likes! *hangs up the phone*

Jk: So I get no say in this?.... Hello?...Hoseok?.....He hung up on me!

I guess I better get ready. I walk back into me and Y/n's bedroom

Jk: I have to meet some of the boy's at the studio

Y/n: Ok I love you *hugs him*

Jk:*hugs her and kisses her forhead* I love you too!

After I get dressed I make my way to the studio


I take a shower and get dressed for the day. Just as I'm about to go make myself some breakfast I get a phone call from Hoseok.

Y/n: Hello?

Hoseok: Hey y/n are you free today?

Y/n: Yeah I'm free I was just about to make breakfast

Hoseok: Okay meet me at XXX cafe

Y/n: Ok!

I grab one of Jungkook's face masks so no one reconizes me and head to the Cafe to meet Hoseok. I walk inside and see a man wearing a mask who looks like Hobi. He waves at me and I make my way over to the table.

Hoseok: Thanks for meeting me!

Y/n: No problem it's been a while since we've spent time together

Even though I'm best friends with all of the members I would say Hoseok is my best BEST friend. He's so sweet and his persona can lighten any situation. He's the member I go to whenever I need to cheer up. Just his smile makes me feel better.

Hoseok: So how has my number one best friend been doing?

Y/n: I'm good, a couple of weird cravings from the pregnancy but i'm good. What about you?

Hoseok: I'm good a little tired from the practices but I'm used to it *smiles*

Y/n: I understand that you want to work hard but you and the others should really take care of your health and get some rest!

Hoseok: I know I know! So what do you want to order?

Y/n: I think I'm just going to get a strawberry cake and a glass of milk

Hoseok: Ah I'm going to get a choclate cake and a vanilla latte

Y/n: I miss having latte's. I'll be glad when this pregnancy is over and I can eat and drink whatever I want!

Hoseok: When is your due date anyway?

Y/n: January 15th so I still have about 4 months to go

Hoseok: I can't wait to meet her!

Me and Hobi order and eat our food and decide to visit the mall to do a bunch of our faivoret things

Hoseok: So what do you want to do first?

Y/n: Hmmm? Laser tag?

Hoseok: Yes!

* 5 minutes later*

Y/n: *sneaks up on Hobi* Got you!

Hoseok: Ah I lost again!

Y/n; *laughs* And to a pregnant lady!

Hoseok: *catches breath* So where to now?

Y/n: Ooo! I saw a claw machine on the way here!

Hoseok: Ok let's go

We walk to where I saw the claw machine

Hoseok: Let's see who can win the most prizes! Loser buy's ice cream!

Y/n: Deal!

*Half an hour later*

Hoseok: 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14!


Hoseok: YES! I won!

Y/n: Yay!

*high fives each other*

Y/n Okay let's go to the ice cream shop

We walk to the ice cream shop that's on the 1st floor

Y/n: Okay what flavor do you want?

Hoseok: Chocolate

Y/n: Okay!

I buy me a strawberry cone and him a chocolate one as promised. We go to the fountain on the 1st floor in the middle of the mall to eat our ice cream.

Hoseok: Since you and Jungkook are having a baby soon do you think you'd ever like to get married?

Y/n: I love Jungkook a lot so if sometime in the future he'd like to get married I definitely wouldn't mind doing so. What about you? Anyone catch your eye lately?

Hoseok: No not yet, but with the company's no dating rule it makes it kind of hard to find someone

Y/n: I hate that rule so much! Idols should be allowed to date I mean they are humans with feelings too! I know it was because of certain circumstances but I think it's really unfair how Jungkook can date but no one else can!

Hoseok: Who knows? maybe one day that rule will change

Y/n: I hope so

Hoseok: Even tho we've been besties for a while I still don't know certain things like your favorite flower, song, what's your dream wedding and proposal, or where is your dream vacation

Y/n: Um well.. my favorite flowers are lilies, my favorite song is Spring day, I never really thought about my wedding or proposal but i'd say a beach wedding sound cool and as long as the proposal comes from the heart I would love it. As for my dream vacation.... I think I'd like to visit Hawii someday. Ok you asked me a bunch of questions now I get to ask you some!

Hoseok: Okay

Y/n: Favorite place?

Hoseok: The stage and studio because I can fufill my dreams and passions there but my faivoret place I've visited on tour was South America

Y/n: Favorite sport?

Hoseok: Even though I'm good at sports I don't actually like physical activity

Y/n: What's something about you that I wouldn't expect?

Hoseok: When I was younger I would sometimes skip school

Y/n: What? You? I would expect it from The makane line or Yoongi but definitely not you

Hoseok: *giggles* That's what makes it the perfect answer to your question! I have to use the bathroom real quick I'll be right back

Y/n: Okay

Hoseok's POV

I walk into the bathroom and text Jungkook

*on the phone*

Hoseok: Ok I got some info! Y'n's favorite flowers are Lillie's and she dosen't mind how someone proposes as long as it's from the heart. She would prefer a beach wedding and wants to visit Hawii one day

Jungkook: Ok got it thank you! I'm about to come to the mall with the other hyungs to pick out a ring

Hoseok: Ok I'll tell Y/n I'm not feeling well and drive her home

Jungkook: Ok

*end of chat*

I walk back out to y/n and try my best at acting sick

Y/n: Hobi what's wrong you don't look to good?

Hoseok: *grips stomach* I think I ate something bad, would you mind if we end our fun here?

Y/n: No not at all your health comes first! Do you need to see a doctor?

Hoseok: No i'll be fine by morning

Y/n: Ok

Hoseok: Alright let's go I'll drive you gome

Y/n: Are you sure you can drive?

Hoseok: It's just a stomach ache I'll be fine

Y/n: Ok but let me know if you need anything

Hoseok: Okay I will

I felt bad for lying to y/n but this will all be worth it in the end


Hobi drives me home and then went to his house even though I insisted that he see's a doctor or takes a rest in the guest room. I walk in and Jungkook still isn't home so I imagine that he's still at he studio or eating dinner so I order some Chinese food and and watch some k-drammas.

*a little while later*

As I'm eating my sweet and sour pork I get a message from Jungkook

*on the phone*

Jk: Hey baby it's me I'll be home shortly can you meet me downstairs in the lobby in 5 minutes?

Y/n: Sure I'll see you soon

*end of chat*

I fix my hair and makeup so I don't look totally awful when I see him and head to the lobby like Jungkook asked. I wait for around two minutes before Jungkook comes in and engulfs me into a huge hug.

Y/n: *giggles Someone surely missed me!

Jk: You have no idea! *breaks hug* Now come on there's somewhere I want to show you!

Y/n: But I look a mess and it's 20:00 (8PM)

Jk: You look perfect and where were going the time doesn't matter

I get into the car with Jungkook and he blindfolds me

Y/n: What's the meaning of all this?!

Jk: it's a surprise!

I decide not to protest anymore and wait patiently to see what he's up to. After about 15 minutes he stops the car and helps me out of the car and I can here waves nearby. Are we at the beach? He leads me somewhere and undoes the blindfold. There's a candle lit path leading close to the water. Jungkook grabs my arm gently and slowly leads me. As we are walking Jimin puts a flower crown of Lillie's on my head. I continue to walk torwads the water and see the rest of the boy's along with my mom, Jungkook's parents and brother Kiki, Myla, and, Saoirse.

Y/n: Mom, Kiki, Myla, Saoirse? When did you guy's get here?

My mom comes forward and kisses my forehead before returning to her spot and gesturing for me to continue to walk the path. I do as she say's and when I make it to the end a heart shaped led light sign lights up and say's " Turn around love". I turn around and I see Jungkook on one knee. Tears of Joy form in my eyes.

Jk: I never thought that I would fall in love with my fan and let alone she'd already be pregnant with my baby! *everyone laughs* But I'm glad I did because every second I spend with you is amazing and I couldn't imagine living in a world without you! Your the person I want to see by my side when I wake up in the morning and the last I want to see when I go to bed. I want to grow old with you and watch our grandchildren have kids, Y/n Collins? Will you do me the honor of becoming Y/n Jeon? *pulls out ring*

Y/n: *cries* Yes Jungkook! I love you so much! *hugs him*

Everyone (excpt Y/n and Jk): *cheers*

Jk:*picks y/n up and spins around* I love you too!

*confetti and fireworks go off*

Kiki, Myla, and Saoirse: *run up to y/n*




*everyone takes turns congradulating the newly engagged couple* A/n: sorry I'm too lazy to write everyone congradulating them.

Namjon: I rented hotel rooms for everyone . Me, Hoseok and Yoongi will be in room 1, Mr and Mrs Jeon in room 2, Mrs Collins in room 3, Tae, Jin , and, Jimin in room 4, and of course Y/n and Jungkook in room 5

*everyone thanks Namjoon before heading to their rooms for a good nights rest*