Chapter 26

**1 week later** Y/N POV

Today's the day! I'm marrying Jungkook today and I couldn't be anymore nervous! There's about 200 people here! I never thought I'd have a big wedding but I guess that's what happens when you marry an idol. The attendees are are close family members, friends(BTS, Kiki, Myla, Saoirse), friends from the industry(Halsey, BangPD, IU, etc.), the members of Monsta X, TXT, EXO, Got7, NCT, and SHINee, and some randomly chosen ARMY's. Me and Jungkook thought it would be a good idea to invite some ARMY's because they mean a lot to him and because I'm apart of the fandom, so we randomly put 100 invites into 100 CD's of our new song and sent them around the world. The girls are my brides maids and Hobi is walking me down the isle. The rest of the members are Jungkook's groomsmen but since I'm closest to Hobi I asked him to give me away. The girls help me get dressed and do my makeup. I'm wearing a long white lace sweet hear neckline dress that snugs my baby bump, my hair is tied up in a braided nun with a floral comb and veil in it, I have silver heels, a matching diamond bracelet and necklace, and , pearl studs. My makeup is light and natural. I suddenly feel claustrophobic.

Y/n: C-can't breathe I-I think I'm going to throw up!

KIki: *rubs her back* Relax it's just the pre-wedding jitters!

Saoirse: Yeah It will be allright!

Myla: It's okay to be nervous, just remember your here to marry the love of your life! Block out everyone else if you have to!

Kiki: Deep breathes!

Y/n:*Breathes in and out many times*

Hobi:*knocks on door* It's time!

Y/n:*Takes a few more deep brethes and opens the door* Let's do this! He leads me outside of the hotel suite and to the doors that lead outside to the beach. Jungkook's Twin niece and nephew walk down first with the ring and throwing petals on the ground. Jin and Yoongi stand next to Jungkook. After the kids reach the end Saoirse and Tae, Myla and Jimin, and Kiki and Namjoon walk down and stand on either side.

Hobi:*looks over at y/n and smiles* You ready?

Y/n: *smiles* Yeah!

Jungkook POV

A piano playing Euphoria starts playing and Y/n Hobi make their way to me. She's so beautiful! I can't help but smile wider with every step closer she takes towards me, a tear finds it's way down my cheek and it's without a doubt the happiest day of my life! Y/n's eyes meet mine and I can see that she's also beaming with happiness and crying tears of joy. She finally stops in front of me and the music stops.

Back to Y/n POV

I look at Jungkook and he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen! His eyes look at me with so much love and I just want to squeeze his cheeks and cuddle him. One glance from him melts my heart into putty.

Priest: We've gathered here to join the union of Y/n Collins and Jeon Jungkook, marriage is more than a legal document, It's a symbol of eternal love, trust, loyalty, faith, and happiness. With love comes hardships, but with perseverance, communication, trust, and love you can get through it, *looks at Jungkook* Jungkook, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and respect Y/n, as well as to be there when she needs you, and to persevere when things are hard and you want to crumble?

Jungkook: *smiles* I do!

Priest: And do you Y/n promise to love, honor, cherish, and respect Jungkook, as well as to be there when he needs you, and to persevere when things are hard and you want to crumble?

Y/n: *smiles* I do!

Priest: The couple has their own vowels they'd like to share, Jungkook let's start with you

Jungkook: When I pictured meeting my future wife I never expected it to be like this, I always thought I'd here a bell ring and I'd rush to find her, but I'm now certain that Y/n is my soulmate and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with! Y/n, I will try my best to give you a life full of hapiness and comfort, I will try my best to be the man you deserve!

Y/n: Jungkook you are perfect the way you are! I fell in love with you, not because your an idol, not because your rich, not because your handsome, not because your our daughter's father, but because you are a kind, gentle, amazing person with a pure soul and heart, each day I spend with you is the best day of my life, and I hope to have many more to come, when I wake up and see your face I instantly smile knowing that someone like you fell in love with someone like me, I love you and I'm ready to grow old and spend the rest of my life with you.

Jungkook: *smiles with tears in his eyes*

priest: You may now exchange the rings

Y/n & Jungkook: *put the ring on each other's finger*

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!

Jungkook gently grabs my hips and places a gentle yet passionate kiss on my lips. passionately kiss him back and the crowd erupts into cheers.

Priest: I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Jeon!

Attendees: *cheer*

Jungkook picks me up and carries me down the isle while everyone stands and cheers. We take the limo to the reception hall. We get to the reception and everyone congratulates us. We do our first dance to "Say you won't let go" by John Legend then we eat food and play endless games and do endless dances. It's now time to cut the cake! A beautiful 3 tired white cake with pink flowers all over it is rolled out and we cut into it and feed each other the first two bites. It's a yummy choclate cake with cream cheese frosting.

Y/n: *smirks* Hey Jungkook?

Jungkook: Hmm?

The admiaration and love in his eyes make me feel a little bad about what I'm about to do but I do it anyway

Y/n: *wipes cake frosting on his cheek*

Jungkook: *smirks* Oh I'm going to get you now!

I run and he chases me as everyone laughs, I almost trip but he catches me and leans in for a kiss but instead wipes the frosting all over my lips.

Jungkook: Got you!

We stay for a few more hours but now it's time to leave for our honey moon. Everyone lines up and throws lilly petals at us as we make our way to the limo.

Y/n & Jungkook: Bye everyone! Thank you for comming!

Yoongi: *playfully yells* Don't do anything to wild love birds!

Everyone: *laughs*

*The limo drives off*


*records screech*

Author: Hold up! You didn't think this was the end? Did you? In the world of kpop the dramma is never over!

As we are about halfway to the airport I get a sudden pain and grip my stomach. I shake it off but then a few minutes later another one comes.

Y/n: J-Jungkook?

Jungkook: Yeah? *see's her holding stomach* WHAT'S WRONG?!

Y/n: I-I think the baby is c-coming! *screams in pain*


Chofer: Ok I'm on it!

Jungkook: Okay Y/n deep breathes!

Y/n: *breathes but then yells out from another contraction*

Jungkook: I have to tell everyone! *calls Namjoon* *excitedly* HYUNG! HYUNG! THE BABY'S COMING! YN'S IN LABOR!

Namjoon: *shocked* WHAT? REALLY? THAT'S AMAZING!

Jungkkok: We're on our way to the hospital now, tell the other's!

Namjoon: Ok

*end of phone call*

Namjoon POV

Luckily the rest of the members and other close friends and family had stayed back to help clean up.

Namjoon: *runs into hall panting* G-guy's! Jungkook just called Y/n's having the baby!

A/n: See you in the next chapter!