( • artifact, pt. ii • )

The soldiers near the end of their search

Fearing they have failed in saving the child

They turn their backs to the void

Searching for the light again

And as they near their escape

From the haunting black hole behind them

That consumes all that cannot accept

Their true purpose in the void

They feel the warmth of a greater light

Flooding the cave behind them

The crimson of before bleeding brighter

The ice of the ceiling cracking above them

They rush to the mouth

Holding their weapons firm in their fists

And slam new cracks into the floor

As they flee from the light of truth

And they witness

As the light consumes them

A warmth of safety holding them tight

As their bodies fly out of the cave

And roll to the ground

Their weapons left behind with their pride

As they collapse before their leader

Who stands with an arm over her eyes

Watching the inside of the cave

Shine brighter than the sky above her

And a young child

Carrying an artifact twice her size

Held tightly in her hands

A plush worn from the search

But surviving the same

Standing under the mouth

And finding not her sister

But instead


"Come, child," the tyrant kneels in satisfaction with a widening smile on her face. She reaches out her arms as the child steps closer, wobbling as she holds her own weight again, and hugs the child tightly. "You're safe with me, darling."

The child looks up to the woman. "I couldn't find her."

"No, not yet, but you've found something much greater," the woman grins. The tyrant stands and reaches for the staff. Taking a small hand in hers, she guides the child back to the vehicles, and proudly walks with a newfound future in both of her hands. The woman helps the child climb into the seat of the vehicle and feels the comforting heat within. The child looks to the dark of the cave once more, then returns her stare to the woman in front of her. "Let me get you home, my child. I have a warm place for you to reside."

"What happens now?" The child asks. The woman tightens her grip around the staff as if it were to vanish from her hold. She brushes her fingers through the short, ivory hair of the child and kisses her forehead.

"We find your sister," Autumn says. The child smiles with a wince. "Together, you're going to bring light to this wasteland we call home."