To My Love, Eden

'Over the years I have known you, my love has not wavered. But, over the last few weeks, I have felt myself loving you less and less. I understand this may come as a shock, but I want to break things off with you.

I know I would miss you too much to leave you behind forever, so I want to stay with you, being your friend and companion, but I can't be your romantic partner anymore.'

I didn't read on, the scrap fell from my shaky hands and down to the floor. Tears soon followed.

Smith tried to reach out for me, for a hug, only to have me move away. I wanted nothing to do with her.

"Please, Eden, talk to me," she whispered, her voice shaking nearly as much as my hands.


The bright light hurt my eyes, but I still stared at it. I needed out, out of this place, out of this heartbreak. Just thinking about her made the tears return, and I gave up trying to wipe them away. My keyboard had small splats of salty water on it, but I couldn't care less. My mind was too out of it to think about anything other than moving away.

And so, that's what I did.

I went on a small shopping spree and had everything shipped to my new place. A place I had yet to see in person, and had to trust it would be good enough to live in. Since I hadn't but maybe, maybe, a few thousand dollars to my name, good enough was all I could get.

Anything that could fit in my book bags and suitcases was fair game to be packed up. The only thing that was given special treatment was my small plant. I had grown it from being a baby, and I refused to let it go now. So, I wrapped it up as carefully as I could, and sat it in the cup holder in my car.

Currently, and for the next few days, I would live in their. Eat, sleep, and most importantly, drive away from the town I once called home. Away from the girl who once loved me.


'Updates may be slow for the next few weeks, as I'm moving across country and I am not sure when I'll have the time to write more. I understand this may come as somewhat upseting to many of my readers, but in the not so distant future, I will be back on track.

I'll keep up with my messages as best I can, and I'll post updates on how the move goes.

Thank you everyone for understanding,

Your favorite awkward author, Eden Blair Thomas'

Normally I hated posting anything from my phone, but currently I didn't have to means to get out anything better. I was happy enough to just sit in a parking lot and lay in the backseat of my temporary home