Hollister Park and the Two Geese

A light jean jacket, holes and ironed on patches. A cyan cardigan with frayed ends. Faux leather, real leather, another jean jacket. The people passing by bored me slightly, no one stood out. Nothing about the park really stood out. Just generic paths with benches along the sides, a small play ground, and an open field.

That's were I sat, at the edge of the grass, under one of the maple trees. While unpacking the night before, I found a red plaid blanket, perfect for laying down on the ground under me. As cliche as it was, having this picnic felt nice. Humid warmth and light clouds, spending time with my friend. A break away from having to worry about writers block, and just the general hardship of writing.


While I was exploring the town the other day, I found Hollister Park. Foxer needed a place to run around, and so I would come here for the both of us. I would read my book, throw his ball around, and we could just relax together. Along side the picnic blanket, I brought snacks, a sandwich for me with another drink from the bakery, and kibble for him. Not the best meal, but the type perfect for a sunny day, in the more cool shade.

The only trace of technology on me was my phone, quietly playing music beside me. Worryingly, I would always turn it down whenever someone jogged past. I would give them a top lipped smile, and maybe a nod if I could bare turning away from my book. Despite taking a break from writing, I refused to separate myself from the written word. The aged pages were soft against my fingertips, and it was always experiences of holding the novel itself that brought me back to reading.

My own writings were published online, but given the chance to put it out onto shelves, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Bookmarking pages on google would never replace seeing my name alongside other authors in a library.

But, that dream was still a tad far off, and so I could live with my current situation. I was unsure of how the events of the last few weeks would turn out. Now that I have gotten here, I would do it a thousand times over, with one exception.

Unbeknownst to me, Foxer was having a bit of a fight with the local geese. Our time in the park was cut short, and we had to head home. I couldn't be bothered to try and keep the dog away, and so the best plan was to just remove him from the situation.


"Foxer, sit!" What felt like the 90th time tonight, I was trying to get Foxer to do the most basic command. For a mutt that could understand how to be a sled down, he couldn't get it through his thick skull, that 'sit' meant he should sit. Training had yet to take off, but I was determined to make him into the smartest, and fastest, dog in Oregon. It may take years, but I had patience.

My patience for food was wearing thin, though. The only time I've gone shopping was for items meant for Foxer. I had yet to actually shop for anything for myself. So until I had the energy, I could adjust to eating fast food. When I felt a bit more adventurous, I might would get something from the Bakery, and talk to Scott and Honey.

The two of them told me a lot about the building. The first floor had a clothing store I hadn't noticed before. The therapist shared a two bedroom apartment with a lawyer. Abby, on top of owning the building, ran the bakery, and cafe. There were four other homes, with different amounts of people living in them. It just seemed like its own tiny community, and I was glad to become a part of it.

There were time I did not like it. The washer and dry were right outside my bedroom, which was also the kitchen. Sounds from all over would keep me awake, or interrupt me whilst I typed away for a new chapter. My bills were cheep, but the internet cost about half of it. Come the end of the day, these problems would always be here. Dealing with them was easier than not. It could always be harder, and I knew I was lucky.

Scott and I would talk near daily, and sometimes Honey would be there. Abby's food was filling and cheep, even if I didn't order it every time I was hungry. Foxer seemed to like me quite a lot, and I think he was happy to have a warm bed and food in his bowl.

My mind was once again was taken away from my thoughts. Foxer sat down, his tail wagging and his smiling face looking up at me. I gladly gave him a treat, one I had stolen from Honey. "Good boy! Yeah, who's my good boy!"

The tail went back and forth faster, and the once sitting pup was jumping all around me, covering me with kisses and fur. Calming him down seemed like a fruitless quest, and so I let him have his fun. Baby talking seemed to help, but time would be my greatest ally. His energy dialed down, and within the hour, we laid on my bed. For the first time, Foxer laid under the blankets with me. A highly cute sight.


"Both Birds and Angels new chapters have gone out for the month, or well, week. As I said last time, Birds is right on time. Angels on the other hand.... it's a bit behind, but! Everything will be back on track for next week. Then it will return to being bi-weekly.

After last weeks poll closed up, I got straight to writing. You guys voted for post-post apocalypse. What this means, well, I'm just coming up with it as I go, but like always, I'll keep you guys updated on every new development.

Some might say that having three ongoing stories is an awful idea, and I agree. But the post-post story isn't going to have a concrete schedule like the others. It will just be a place to get ideas out, but in a longer form story. For those wondering, yes, the short stories will still come out every so often. But, as everyone knows, those still just come out whenever I make them.

Lastly, for everyone's new favorite part of these notes, Foxer time! He got into a tussle with some geese, but, he has no cuts or wounds, so I'd say he might have won! Next time we go for a walk and play time, I'll keep a closer eye out for those feathered devils. Maybe I'll add twin geese to the net Birds chapter.

Your favorite goose fighting dog owner, Eden Blair Thomas.'

I set my laptop down onto the floor, trying my best to not move around. Soft snores were the only sound to fill the room. Foxer was cuddle up behind me, sleeping, and taking up most of the bed. I didn't mind, I still had enough space to lay down. It wasn't like I was used to having a lot of room.

When Smith and I shared a house, she was a loud sleeper, and moved around all night. Foxer almost brought back some of the comfort of sharing with someone else. But, this one wouldn't leave me, or break my heart.

At Some Point I knew Foxer would. But for now, he was a big puppy. We had time to spend together for a long time still. Memories still had to be made, and more friendships to be had.

Honey and I were growing closer, mostly because she was in love with Foxer, but I didn't mind. They were a sweetheart, and her company was enjoyable. I hoped that as time went on, we would actually be friends.